Woodworking Blogs

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 This entry covers the next 3 days of work.    I got the door assembly out of the clamps. So far so good. [image.png] [image.png] And here is wh...
 I need to put a cutout on each of the 3 shelves and floor. For this I need a template.    After I cut the profile on a template, I locate a shelf ...
 First up on this day was to correct a mistake I made yesterday. When I cut the back rabbet on the top I had the part turned around. I have been ke...
When I decided to update this blog I realized that this is one of my favorite projects. It has a ton of details crammed into a small project. There...
This box is sized to fit the rattles. I start with the pieces that fit under the lid. After assembly I added a shaped floor to make the box more of...
This blog adds the construction details for a project posting.  The fun thing about this project is that it requires very little materials. This w...
Needed a better picture for the first pic, the next one maybe not the best intro :-) [IMG_2989.jpeg] I have been extremely distracted of late. I g...
 With the system running correctly, the next step is to reinstall the floor. [image.png] The floor is a set of extrusions. A narrow one goes at th...
  A trip to the hardware store got me the bolts I needed. Reinstalling them was pretty straightforward.    The rails & bearings took a little over ...
The first thing I checked was the motor mount and the anti-backlash nut. To do this I removed the spoil board and the floor. I found a large amount...
First thing was to glue the head veneer to the head. This is a solid piece of Black Walnut about 1/8" thick.[IMG_2588.jpeg] Once the glue dried, I ...
 First I marked up the pins positions using the tails per Fig 13. Next I set my marking gauge to account for the rebate on the tails board in Fig 1...