Woodworking Blogs

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One of the more common complaints against wooden boats is leaking decks. With a traditional caulked deck this can certainly be a challenge. Decks...
  I have to apologize for my lack of a lot of photos of this stage. I guess it just seemed to boring to take a lot of photos at the time. Anyway t...
Probably the most anticipated part of building a wooden boat is the planking. The old boat builder I learned from used to call it "boardin' 'er up"...
Looks like some of you might like to see a little more boatbuilding (and I need to rescue my blogs from oblivion) so here goes. - These are twelve...
  Besides the yellow cedar which will be used for planking, deck framing and various timbers and knees, an assortment of other woods and materials ...
Note: I was new to blogging when I wrote these. They get a little too technical. 😁 If you lose me, just skip to the pictures. If you are intrigued,...
I’m look for some assistance please on how to make a Small Benchtop Table/Drum Sander for my toymaking efforts, thank you. 
After I made a plan for a forklift it was time to build my own. This blog is about the build process. Beaware that the way I build my models are no...
After I made a plan for a forklift it was time to build my own. This blog is about the build process. Beaware that the way I build my models are no...
After I made a plan for a forklift it was time to build my own. This blog is about the build process. Beaware that the way I build my models are no...
After I made a plan for a forklift it was time to build my own. This blog is about the build process. Beaware that the way I build my models are no...
After I made a plan for a forklift it was time to build my own. This blog is about the build process. Beaware that the way I build my models are no...