Replied on pottz patio and garden
Commented on Shou Sugi Ban Dovetailed Chisel Box
Replied on Restorations, whaddaya got? What did YOU do?
Replied on Wordle
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on Wordle
Commented on Jewelry Box with hand cut dovetails and wood hinge
Replied on Wordle
Replied on Whatcha drinking?
Replied on Wordle
Replied on Whatcha drinking?
Replied on Whatcha drinking?
Commented on Barbie Chairs
Commented on A collection of Clamps. #14: Auto Adjust Clamps.
Replied on Let’s Talk Planes
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on Wordle
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on Wordle
Replied on BBQ/Grilling/Smoking/Griddling etc.
Commented on A collection of Clamps. #14: Auto Adjust Clamps.
Commented on Kleenex boxes
Replied on BBQ/Grilling/Smoking/Griddling etc.
Replied on Let’s Talk Planes
Replied on Wordle
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on Wordle
Replied on Another State of the Shop
Commented on A moving wooden concert automaton
Commented on Saw blade knife
Replied on Another State of the Shop
Replied on Wordle
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on Wordle
Replied on Another Lumberjock
Replied on Wordle
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on Wordle
Commented on I just made a Mini Forge!
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Commented on End Table
Replied on Wordle
Replied on Another State of the Shop
Replied on Another State of the Shop
Commented on Cutting Boards
Replied on Wordle
Commented on Walnut Stool
Commented on Another "Hot" Salsa Bowl
Commented on I just made a Mini Forge!
Replied on Wordle
Replied on Wordle
Replied on Let’s Talk Planes
Commented on Exacto knife
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on *** SHOW ME YOUR DOG AND CAT ***
Commented on More of my hand cut dovetails...
Replied on Wordle
Replied on Wordle
Commented on End grain cutting bowl
Commented on Hand cut dovetails
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on Weather.......Whether you want it or not !
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Commented on Tissue Box
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Commented on Roundover and Chamfer planes
Replied on Weather.......Whether you want it or not !
Replied on *** SHOW ME YOUR DOG AND CAT ***
Replied on Another LJ Refugee
Replied on Wordle
Replied on *** SHOW ME YOUR DOG AND CAT ***
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on *** SHOW ME YOUR DOG AND CAT ***
Replied on *** SHOW ME YOUR DOG AND CAT ***
Replied on Wordle
Replied on *** SHOW ME YOUR DOG AND CAT ***
Commented on Mystery wood pens ?
Commented on Future Proof (?) Clamp Rack
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on Wordle
Commented on Craftsman on the Lake
Replied on Another State of the Shop
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Commented on Frames for gifts
Replied on BBQ/Grilling/Smoking/Griddling etc.
Replied on Another State of the Shop
Replied on Wordle
Replied on Another State of the Shop
Replied on Another State of the Shop
Replied on Another State of the Shop
Commented on WRISTWATCH BOX 2
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on Another State of the Shop
Replied on Wordle
Replied on BBQ/Grilling/Smoking/Griddling etc.