Blog Series

Replacing a Chair Back Molding

Part 1: Let's do this the hard way -- Designing for the CNC

My sister asked me if I would be interested in repairing the back of a barstool.  The stool is metal but has (had) a piece of wood molding on the b...

Part 2: Wood prep and milling on the CNC

A couple of years before my sister asked me to make a new chairback molding.  I had collected the trunk of a dead redbud tree from her yard with th...

3-Arm Kerfing Plane

8 entries

Part 6: Open letter to Brent Hull

I sent an e-mail to someone that I admire. He responded, which is amazing. His response was short and sweet: Good stuff!   Thanks for sharing. B ...

Part 7: Little details

These are words I tell myself in the throes of the process: Any fool can put something together. It takes a special kind of fool to design somethi...

Part 8: Blade cover

My town has a store that only sells imported Japanese hand tools. I only recently heard about it this year, but I wouldn’t doubt it if it has been ...

Traditional Portuguese Rajao

Part 10: Soundboard finished and installed

Fitted the braces and reinforcing ring to the inside of the soundboard. [IMG_2648.jpeg][IMG_2650.jpeg] Fitted the soundboard to the body. I suppose...

Part 11: Odds-n-Ends

Taking care of the other details now that the main assembly is complete. Added the binding at the soundboard. Started out as 1 x 5mm Black Walnut. ...

Part 12: Finished

Fretboard and bridge are Black Walnut, Finished with shellac. [IMG_2694.jpeg][IMG_2696.jpeg]

Shop storage

Part 4: Box clamps box

Another storage box, this time from ¼ inch poplar and Baltic birch ply for the top. Treated (this morning) with kakishibu, which darkens with expos...

Part 5: Small parts organizer

[IMG_7711.jpeg] Just a quick and dirty project to use up some smalls and keep this organized when I’m doing something like this morning’s bench gl...

Part 6: Things fall down 2

My cheap-ass Harbor Freight dust collector has picked up a bit of a vibration. Enough so that last Sunday, it vibrated itself right off the French ...

Shaper Origin

1 entry

Part 1: Chair Seat

The neighbor restores furniture and sells it at fairs. She picked up some ratty rattan chairs where the webbing was gone. I said I could make her ...


1 entry

Part 1: Bandsaw Cork Cutting Jig

  This is a tutorial on making a simple jig for cutting wine corks in half, along their length. The jig requires only simple scraps to build and is...

14” Rockwell Bandsaw

Part 1: Initial testing

Before testing I took the covers off. Tires were pretty gummed up. So I grabbed my Red Devil scraper and spun the wheels while holding the scraper ...

Part 2: Replacement trunnion knob

It’s clear in retrospect looking at the initial photos of it in the salvage yard, taken moments after arrival that it was always missing one of the...


Part 1: Introduction

MacBeath is a chain. They sell hardwood lumber, and other things associated with fine furniture (including tools, both hand and power). I buy lumb...

Part 2: White Wenge

Not a typo. White Wenge. Arrived about 3 weeks ago  [IMG_7389.jpeg][IMG_7388.jpeg]

Part 3: Red Zebrawood

Also, not a typo. Red Zebrawood. Just came in. [IMG_7391.jpeg][IMG_7390.jpeg] No, I don’t work there. I just go in a lot. This is interesting but...

PAST Tool Collectors

8 entries

Part 6: Stair saw

It only cost me $5 It’s like my kerfing plane, but simpler. Much simpler. But I love it. [IMG_7242.jpeg][IMG_7243.jpeg][IMG_7244.jpeg][IMG_7245.j...

Part 7: Single-lipped countersink brace bit

Another item from the Half Moon Bay meetup of PAST Tool Collectors. This was free. As I was paying for the countersink bits, I spied it on the tab...

Part 8: Books

I have a large library but it only has a small section on tools. I actually have been wanting a copy of the Garrett Hack book for quite some time. ...

Create a series

Part 1: Part 1

Give the series a title, [New blog entry - Craftisian — Mozilla Firefox-007279.png] Don't forget to hit submit. On the next screen enter the title...

Part 2: Follow up series

 In the first screen select "Choose from the existing ones",  and in the drop down menu, select the series you wan't to add it to [New blog entry -...