Amigurumi Potion Bottle #1: The Vision


This is part 1 in a 4 part series: Amigurumi Potion Bottle

  1. The Vision
  2. The Insert
  1. Bottle Lid

With Valentine's Day just behind us, there has been a lot of talk about love, of course, and I guess that is what triggered my idea of making a potion bottle - love potion #9, perhaps.

"What would that look like", I asked myself.

√ Well, it would hold a bottle of essential oil.
√  It would be a rounded bottle.
√ It would have a removable cap.
√ It would be padded, to hold the shape.

"What elements would it need to include," I thought.

√ something to hold the essential oil bottle stable
√ stuffing the outer bottle, leaving centre empty for the oil
√ have a potion bottle look to it

I think I have the vision ...

Things to Plan
> what colour of bottle do you want? {I chose red]
> what colour will the top part of the bottle be? [I chose white]
> when you take off the lid, what colour do you want to see inside? [I chose white]

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit