Murphy Bed Wall Unit #1: The Scope of the Build


This is part 1 in a 4 part series: Murphy Bed Wall Unit

  1. The Scope of the Build
  2. Bed Hardware
  1. "Side Job Delay" Murphy Bed Soon!

I got a commission to build a desk/closet/Murphy bed.
Here is the SK drawing of the build. The right hand side will house the Murphy Bed.

The unit will be Walnut with Black accents being the CounterTop and Base at the bottom along with the small scribe at the top. The contractor has to do some soffit build outs and some other construction before I can finalize my measurements and start. There could be some small changes along the way. I may add a pencil drawer to the desk area.
I will try to take many pics along the way and post in a series of completed sections as they are finished. Should be a fun build. (first time doing a Murphy Bed)
Did I mention everything is going up an elevator to the 14th floor?
Hope you follow along and comment along the way.
Also in the commission is a media cabinet straight across from the unit and a floating vanity covered in macassar ebony for the powder room. Not going to blog those pcs though.

Stay tuned, next insert coming soon.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

Well I for one will be following with extreme interest.
I built a murphy’s bed based on rockler hardware.
It was the first year I started woodworking and I have never been happy with it.

Now walnut with black accent… That sound intriguing.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Looking forward to seeing the progress! I just love Murphy Beds.


We’re certain this will be very educational and entertaining for us to read! Thanks for your willingness to share.


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

elevator… a “first” … yah, this is going to be interesting

(and I think the pencil drawer is a great idea)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

That looks like an awesome project Bently! Thank you for sharing with us. Can’t wait to follow along!


Thanks for taking the time to share this build with us. I’m looking forward to following along.

Yep, elevators, they can change the engineering of a project in a hurry! LOL

John @The Hufford Furniture Group

Should be an interesting build. I think you made a wise choice going with quality hardware. Your customer will surely be satisfied with it.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Thanks Everybody,
I’m looking forward to it!

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.