Chevy II, The CanadianCousin #4: Repairing "Curvature of the Spine"


This is part 4 in a 5 part series: Chevy II, The CanadianCousin

Chevy II is five years old now and has never missed a beat. It still cuts perfectly square with the adjusters in neutral position but the whole column has developed quite a curve to the right (as you sit on it). This may be because the column is too narrow but I suspect it has more to do with the poorly milled "urban wood" garry oak from which it was made.
At any rate while working on the new plywood model last week I decided to replace the column on the old girl. A plywood column would never have ended up like this ….. and I have white oak veneer.

Here are a few pictures of the problem. It doesn't affect the accuracy of the cut, just makes you lean a little to the right when you use it.




So I cut the column off at the top of the base and made up a new one from a piece of scrap plywood I had. I tried the alignment hole idea that I plan to use on the CNC cut kits. The1/4" holes not only align the parts but if you use reddi rod the holes can be used for clamping as well.



I made a dummy column end to mark and cut new mortises on top of the old tenons while the glue set and finally cut and glued up the smaller top pieces.




Pretty much down to veneer and final assembly now. I'll post finished pictures in a couple of days.

Thanks for looking in.


The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.