Spinnekop #24: Omgeving (part 1)


This is part 24 in a 37 part series: Spinnekop

  1. Preparations
  1. Kroosrek
  2. Omgeving (part 1)
  3. Omgeving (Part 2)
  1. Zeilen

On the drawing there is a small bit showing how the mill is situated

So i will try to recreated that. First by laying it out on a sheet of plywood

Next I create the ditch where the water is pumped into. So it is the higher part of the surroundings.

The water needs to be routed back to the lower part. I made a sluice to regulated the amount of water that will rush back.

Added a piece of draining pipe to take the water to the lower end of the surroundings
No that i have the dimensions a can create a box to contain it all and add the other ditches

I sealed the ditches with roof repair compound

To make the surroundings more interesting i will add some fences. One is made of saw lumber the other made of logs.

Next i add the "kruipalen", these are used to move the top of the windmill into the wind and secure it.

To add strength to the corners and make them more interesting i will add dovetail splines.

The result so far.
