Woodworking Shop 2015 #2: I'm Alive!!!! Starting back with my shop build.


This is part 2 in a 2 part series: Woodworking Shop 2015

  1. I've got to have more room for Woodworking!
  2. I'm Alive!!!! Starting back with my shop build.

Hi people !
I’m so glad to say that I’m up and running,
I had a major detour last September. I got sick with I thought was the flu, but in 3 days I was in the hospital with a flesh eating bacteria! I was in the hospital for 65 days, and have been recovering slowly.
My open wound, finally was healed up just this last week!
I nearly lost my life! I woke up 12 Days later, and was in the Burn unit at HCMC In Minneapolis! And that was a God send.
I had 10 plus surgeries. Anways enough of that! Photos To Follow I have 3 trusses done with 4 to go!
thanks for everything! I love getting back
To the thing I love.

Steve Tow


Glade u are ok Steve we missed you here


That’s one scary thing to go through Steve,I’m sure glad you’re improving.
Hope you get to get going full speed in the shop again very soon.
God bless

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Steve, glad that you beat that set back.
Life throws us a curve every now and then.
Looking forward to those pics.


Steve, glad that you beat that set back.
Life throws us a curve every now and then.
Looking forward to those pics.


Steve, glade to know that you are not in Valhalla with Tor and Odin.
I hope that all works out and that the wood tools will all be running soon.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

The matter of braggin rights aside (new scar and the history behind it), glad to hear you’re back at it.

Crikey! welcome back!

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Glad you are doing better.
will be waiting for your pictures too.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Welcome back! Flesh eating disease is no joke, glad that you’re ok and back in the shop.

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario


I complained about all the setbacks I had on my platform bed project, but after reading this I am now thanking God for my blessings. You had a real setback. We’re so glad the Lord saved your life! It’s good to see you’re back in the shop.


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Thank you for your kind words everyone!
Sorry I haven’t been on here.
I’ve got a some Ptsd, from being in the trama unit for a month!
Something I didn’t know about, until I was diagnosed with.

Steve Tow