Craftisian Blogs

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well I managed to get quite alot done on this these little beauties. Finished all the round overs, sealed, primed and filled any bad areas. and the...
I need a set of speakers for my computer, the ones built into the monitor are terrible and I don’t like always wearing headphones. So, with another...
That’s very cool! Thanks for the recognition. Some bigger projects coming down the pipe and a few fun small ones.
Pictures below are from the making of the merging of the last small parts of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching.
Pictures below are from the making of the battery, shields and oilfilter of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching.
Pictures below are from the making of the exhaust and handles of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching.
Pictures below are from the making of the pedals of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching.
Pictures below are from the making of the running boards of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching.
Pictures below are from the making of the steering wheel of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching.
Pictures below are from the making of the steering connecting rods of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching
Pictures below are from the making of the rear axle of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching
Pictures below are from the making of the fenders of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching