shoe shine box


this is a shine shine box that i had made one of before, but after some design changes i made this one a bit different, i like the handle on this one and the walnut i used was really beautiful, the initials are a nice surprise for the owner, thanks for your attention to this project.

"the grizz" [''''']


Where do you find all this wonderful wood? Beautiful project as always Grizzman!

Scroll saw patterns @

hello keith, you can call me bob if you wish, anyway, the wood, i bought a stash of walnut a few years back and its been loaded with some beautiful figure, its made me smile, and a lot of the figured wood went to others…i did however cut down a very large walnut and am waiting for it to come back from the sawyer, this will be my last big stash, and im hoping for more figured wood, thanks for asking.

"the grizz" [''''']

Hey Bob
I don’t remembers seeing this before ,this is way cool,super design and build, I like the handle too

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Hi Bob. Can I call you Bob too? :-)
Cool box, I could take a shine to that.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

That’s really slick, Bob. You’re getting even more creative.

I'm the one with the beard

That’s Nice “the grizz” I like the contrast in the different woods.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

Really nice design Bob!


Wow Grizz! Just add some polish and you have a classic! Very cool indeed!


I somehow missed this one Bob. A great looking shoe shine box with some very nice details and wood too.

Your project brought back some fond memories. I made a shoeshine box when I was about 8 or 9 years old as a cub scout project. I then put an old brush and an almost used up can of brown shoe polish into it and headed to a shopping center where I shined shoes for 10cents. It wasn’t long before I had enough money to buy more cans of polish, some nice brushes and rags, all on that first day. I spent most of my summer vacation shining shoes to make some pocket money. I mainly hung out near the entrance of the supermarket and I was there every day so wives would drop off their husband’s shoes for a shine while they were doing their grocery shopping. I was busy at it from the time I arrived in the morning until I left several hours later.

Mike, an American living in Norway