New Deck - one step at a time

Fixing up the old homestead, one step at a time 

The Backstory 

Last year about this time, one thing lead to another and, then, we discovered that there was nothing under our back entry way and it was open to our basement stairs. We had a freeway for cold air and 4-legged critters. 

After several attempts to find someone to fix it for us, we finally found a local handyman who was able to close in the space and he did a fantastic job.

“But” to get that job done, we had to move the cement steps that are the entry way to our house. 

Now, because we had to move the steps  anyway … why not put a little deck on, while we were at it? 

As things were, the railing on the cement steps made hauling in groceries extremely inconvenient as there was no space to navigate with boxes. (No “before photo”, so I faked it in there above photos))

The New Steps 

  • I made a plan for a small deck. 
  • I showed Rick and he adapted the plan to meet carpentry requirements. 
  • We bought the materials.
  • Rick spent many sleepless nights building the little deck over and over again in his mind. 

Me? I know how we work. We have a vision and then we start working, one step at a time, and reassessing as we go. Things always go smoothly, once we let go of “plans” and just trust the process. 

And, once again, our process worked.
In just three hours, these two old folks had built a 10x4 deck
Now we just have to get the cement steps moved back into place (and adjust to fit the deck… we will be crossing our fingers for that process! ) 

Our Shopping List

  • 4 cement deck blocks
  • 1 (4x4) which we had leftover pieces lying around and we used them
  • 8 (2x10x10) Rick didn’t want to use deck boards
  • 1 (2x10x4) for a support piece in the centre (another remnant board that was lying around)
  • 16 special screws in place of lag bolts. Rick loved these!
  • 50 deck screws

Oh, and patience. 

I can’t wait to walk up the steps to my new deck. 
- Debbie

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Looks like a great job Debbie. You and Rick make a great team.

Wood is good


-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

Yes, we do work well together … after the half-hour it takes for us to get talking the same language. He thinks one way and I think another, and it takes us a bit to get “on the same page”.  Then, we are off and running. 

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

The deck came out great and so did your photos and video. Great project and presentation. 

James McIntyre

Thanks, everyone

Thanks James, re: presentation 

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit