Hand Carved Jailer's Keys

Back in 2016, my wife and I visited Zion National Park, Utah, USA for a few days during one of our touring holidays on the other side of the pond and one day after a nice hike, we stopped at Wildcat Willies in Springdale for some food.

It was a welcoming place and I quickly made a new friend.

Whilst tucking into my burger and fries…

I looked around at the wild-west memorabilia that adorned the walls. Some of it was humourous…

...and some of it was just interesting. One thing that caught my eye was a bunch of old keys (presumably for the jailhouse). I thought they would make a challenging hotel room carving project, so I took a quick photo to remind myself to have a go.

I didn't set out to make an exact replica of these particular keys, I just used them for my inspiration.

The project started out in my workshop as a short plank of lime wood as wide as the key ring and as thick as the keys. Try to imagine how many saw cuts I had to make and which saws I needed to cut out the basic blank. You'll have to imagine it, because I didn't take any pictures of that bit. LOL. Let's just say it was a lot of careful sawing by hand before I could start carving.

The next thing was to carve the ring to its approximate diameter and separate each key blank from the ring itself so they could move freely around the ring without fear of snapping it.

The rest of the work was all done in various hotel rooms with a Mora carving knife, some small files and a modicum of profanity. I say that because the most frustrating thing about this project was the awkwardness of it. I found that when I was working on a particular key, I had to constantly be aware of where the other keys and the ring were and arrange them so I didn't inadvertently put pressure on them. Because of this, I kept putting this project aside for a few months and then picking it back up again. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to throw this project at the wall. Obviously I didn't, but needless to say I'm relieved to call this one done.

Here's some progress shots at various points along the journey.

I thought long and hard before ebonizing this piece because I also quite like it au naturel. To help me make my mind up, I took a photo of the finished carving…

and used my photographic software to show the inverse of the image.

To my mind the keys looked more realistic coloured black and seemed to have more weight to them, so I decided to go with that. Now there are a number of ways to ebonize wood. Perhaps the most commonly known is to stuff a load of de-greased steel wool in a jam-jar, fill it up with white vinegar (which is 5-10% acetal acid and 90-95% water), screw the top on, wait a week and then hope for the best. IMPORTANT - You must punch 2 or 3 holes in the lid to let it off gas. When you apply the mixture to wood, you are relying on a chemical reaction to turn the wood black. The extent to which this process is successful depends on the wood you are applying it to. If the wood has a high tannin content, it should work fine. If it doesn't, you will need to take about 10 tea bags and brew a very strong cup of tea and add that to the mixture. In short, this method can work but it is often a bit hit and miss.

I didn't even try that method because I already knew that you can't get any blacker than Indian ink. Not all Indian inks are the same mind you, so you need to do your homework on what they contain. My favourite for this type of application is Windsor and Newton which contains shellac.

Indian ink is lightfast and highly water resistant once dry. I should point out that I intentionally only gave this piece a light sanding to P180 grit because I wanted the keys to have some imperfections and texture under the ink. After all, when you look at old keys they aren't exactly smooth. I applied the ink with a small flat brush (a little goes a long way) and gave it two coats.

I'm really pleased with the way they turned out.

Whilst carving these keys I got to thinking about how much we rely on keys in our everyday lives and before I knew it, I'd written a poem.


Andy -- Old Chinese proverb say: If you think something can't be done, don't interrupt man who is doing it.


thats incredible project brit. i can only imagine the time that went into the final project. so one question, how was the burger ;-))

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Pretty good actually. Not the best I've ever had, but perfectly edible.

Andy -- Old Chinese proverb say: If you think something can't be done, don't interrupt man who is doing it.

I can't imagine the work this took! Amazing 

Jerry-Holland Mi

Nicely done, Andy! You’ve much more patience for this sort of thing than I do. There would’ve been quite a bit more than a modicum of profanity and the keys would probably be laying out in the desert here, waiting for a coyote to finish them.

May you have the day you deserve!

Great keys and love the story.


You've found your keys to success. Now if you could teach me that kind of patience, you'd unlock my potential to!

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - https://timetestedtools.net and https://diy.timetestedtools.net

Your carving skills are great, second only to your propensity for prose.
That requires a lot of patience to complete something so intricate and complicated.  They look like the real thing!

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Cool! My favourite way of "ebonizing" is using Feibings leather dye.


Must have taken forever! Nicely done. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Thanks all!
@Foghorn - I'll have to try that. I have some black Fiebings leather dye.

Andy -- Old Chinese proverb say: If you think something can't be done, don't interrupt man who is doing it.

Those a very cool, and they turned out great, Well done. Also, a wonderful story, and a Poet, right on spot.

Main Street to the Mountains

The keys look very real and the way you accomplished this carving from one board amazes me. The poem was just icing on the cake.
I just looked through all your projects and they are all so well done. You are a very talented guy Andy. 

.................. John D....................

Excellent work on that ring of keys!!!!!!!!! Great carving job................Cheers, JIm

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Nice job!  Re the venue where you got the inspiration for this, we stopped there (or someplace similar) a few years ago while on a southwest park with two of our grandkids.   I only recall that it was in between Bryce and Zion, and it had a jail facade for the kids to play in.


Impressive project! At first I thought "he did a really good job hiding the split in the ring"
Then I read your description. Very cool!
Wow, just the inspiration to even attempt that! Very delicate and so perfectly executed! 
Now that’s impressive! I’m in awe of people who can sculpt things, and that applies doubly to what you’ve done here. Looking at your last photo, I still think I’m looking at a set of old iron keys (despite just having read your description and seen your progress photos). Fantastic work!
Real nice detailed work. The keys look great. 
looks like you have got that project locked down big time!

Regards Rob