I saw this box on a puzzle site. You can't tell by looking at it how this box opens. There is a ramp on one end of the box and a magnet on the other. Pushing down on the very end of the top allows the top to rock back and open up.

I made a prototype first out of pine. The backwards question mark was lasered and then I used a felt tip marker to color it red. This was a failed attempt to make it a little more interesting. The box seemed to work well, so I made another one out of some nice lumber and left out the laser and the color.

.................. John D....................


Simple but neat... doesn't have to be a 30+ move Japanese Puzzle Box to make it enjoyable.. 

 The backwards question mark was lasered and then I used a felt tip marker to color it red. 

I read that several times yet took a few looks before I noticed the " ⸮ ", just picked up the red... Suggest you reverse the logic and make the "⸮" red... I use red food colouring in neutral wood filler,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

So cool opening solution!


That looks like a fun box to give. Nice opening trick!
Interesting box.   Well done.   I too have used "filler' to fill in laser engraved areas.   Works.


Alex, I forgot about your wood filler trick. I need to try that.
Thanks Ivan, I plan on using that as a latch for a box in the future.
Thank you Steve, not sure what someone would use it for, but it's fun to open and let it snap shut.
Thanks Ron, now I just need to remember to try it out.

.................. John D....................

Great idea for a hingeless box. Thanks for that tip. 

James McIntyre

Thanks James

.................. John D....................

Nice Idea and fun item.
I used a similar method on a box chest board with internal storage for the chest pieces. 
Really cool little box.  Thanks for showing

TimV, "The understanding eye sees the maker's fingerprints, they are evident in every detail, leave Fingerprints." James Krenov

Cool little box, like the opening solution.

Main Street to the Mountains

Thanks Tim, BTW, your shop could be a museum with all the different projects you've made.
Thanks Eric, I thought it was pretty cool and it gave me some ideas on other ways to use it..

.................. John D....................

I need to look through the Box Swap projects, I think it was Mos, who made one with a different catch, which was really cool.

Main Street to the Mountains