Naughty, naughty, very naughty...


About 18 months ago on Lumberjocks, there was a heated discussion about how to make this side table. It turned from a question of how it could be accomplished into a debacle about ripping off someone’s design and the associated rights and wrongs.
Anyway, I saw it, I liked it, I made it. I gave it away for Christmas.
I cannot take any credit for the design.
Shop made veneers and mdf substrate. Full retail for the authentic piece is something like CA $1600. I made it from leftovers and only had to buy a small tin of poly, total cost €9.99.
Quite a lot of fun to make and good veneering practice.


Rennnnnners. Now that you said that my faucet thingy was quirky. This breaks all the rules of quirkiness. I like it too much.

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

I like it. There should be a tiny battery powered led in there somewhere.

Losing fingers since 1969

It’s very nice, but CA $1600? wow.

Well you demonstrated that it should not be that way.

I thought garment and furniture design could not be patented, as they are based mainly on pre-existing ideas. I read some people try to copyright just the pattern on the clothing.

Well done Rennners

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I remember that topic, might even have said a thing or 2…lol
But… I don’t see any knots?? Can’t be very knotty then.
Looks like you executed it very well, Great job brother….

(you moving and taking the job?)

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

I think you did a great job on it, but shame on you for seeing something you like, and trying to build it. You should never try to build something you like, or try to expand on your skills. That’s just ludicrous. LOL. Just kidding!

All those art students sitting front of Monet’s and Pissarro’s with their easels are not stealing art, they are learning. Nice job and well done. I see neither knots nor naughties.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)


A very nice piece!

I remember mailing a $100,000 to some website in China; and they sent me this piece of paper that says I own all of the project designs on LJs, 3W, and every other site on the planet… What a deal!

All of my really good ideas come from several other people…

I saw, I liked, I commented, great build.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Very cool.

I think it is appropriate to give a nod to someone else's design.

Nice job on the build.


As someone who's also used their talents for evil, well done!
I copy everything I do.   Use the table saw the same way to cut boards. etc. etc.   
Like the table whether you did the design of just built it.  Nicely done.


nice job, good to see others are inspired by somebody else's work  too.
Now maybe I wonder could you lend the book to Pottzy when your finished with it

Regards Rob