Drunken Board


Since it’s cutting board month on WWW, I decided to post some of mine.

This cutting board was my very first cutting board ever. it was done in 2010. I did not take many pictures back then…

Of course I got the pattern wrong and what else but my wife liked it.

I looked at the following blog when I did it:

Degoose: http://lumberjocks.com/projects/16520, definitely the creme of the crop when it comes to cutting board.

Mary Anne : http://lumberjocks.com/LateNightOwl/blog/18277

Poroskywood http://lumberjocks.com/poroskywood/blog/10833

Both Mary Anne and Poroskywood have very detail blogs on this particular style of board.

It take a couple of hours excluding glue drying time.

A lot of bandsaw work, very light sanding. The only thing tedious was the glue up and clamping.

Used dark Walnut, maple and strips of cherry. Those strips were cut on my table saw .
It was finished with mineral oil followed by 2 coats of mineral oil mixed with bees wax.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

you done good like your work like those clamps to


Nice board, love the pattern.


Very interesting pattern , could not have been easy to do, looks good .


wow your making lots of cool cutting boards ,looks super.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Thanks For the nice comments.

Jim If I were to buy again I would buy the jet clamp as they hole in place if you move them around. The bessey will slide back down and slam the second jaw.

Bruce: when you make your cut on the bandsaw you decide what pattern you want. I want a more warped pattern. But that was my first board and played it safe:)

A1Jim: they are addictive. Every time I see a cutting board have the urge to make it. I have resisted quite a bit lately as I wanted to get a bit more into veneer and marquetry.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA


The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Thanks Paul.
Re-posting this one brought a lot of fond memories back.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I know this is an older post but its blowing my mind. its doing its job. Nice work!