

This is a combination EZ Mitre core and finger jointed box . The black liner box and lid contrast with a pattern of strips of Purpleheart and Pau Amarello (Yellowheart).

Construction – EZ Mitre/Finger (Box) jointed box with drop on lid.

Dimensions – 120 mm square x 60 mm high. 6 mm thick walls ( 3 mm core + 3 mm pattern)

Materials – Purpleheart, Pau Amarello (Yellowheart) and black dyed Birch ply

Adhesives – PVA, CA

Finish – Sanded to 240 Grit and finished with Spray Satin Acrylic


Very nice Martyn. Gotta love those colours.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

This is fabulous! So playful and elegant at the same time! Dang, you’re so good…

Amor Vincit Omnia

Your designs and builds amaze me Martyn.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

I am amazed too Martyn.
Nice illusion if you look from angles.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Nice! Love the colors!

Keith "Shin" Schindler

Looks great Martyn. A very eye pleasing design.

Mike, an American living in Norway

You do amazing work, thanks for sharing
