CNC Plywood Chevalet


I’ve been working most of the summer on getting an affordable chevalet available to my students and prospective students. The first step was to develop a model that could be built from a sheet of 3/4" plywood without using sophisticated joinery.
This step was very successful and a prototype was built under my supervision by the husband of one of my students. He describes his skills as “hobby woodworker”. She then hammer veneered it with some nice mahogany and it looks like a million bucks.

The next step was to contact a local CNC shop and develop a program to precision pre-cut all the plywood pieces, making it even easier. This part was a lot harder. We had to get three different software programs to communicate with each other but eventually it was done.

I now have a variety of kits in various stages of completion and theis should ship easily and safely as the packages will be almost solid wood. The basic plywood kit will ship in a crate that is less than a foot square by four feet long.
This is the basic plywood kit.

Upgrades will include laminated elements glued up:

Solid wood parts:

… and hardware kit:

This one shows how tightly the basic kit will pack.

I’m very happy with the whole project but I’m glad it is all worked out.

Thanks for looking.


The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Very well done Paul, you research has definitely paid off.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Wow!!! That’s awesome! I am so impressed.

Keith "Shin" Schindler

That is so cool!

What’s the assembly time for someone fairly experienced?

Once assembled, can it be taken apart and stored away for the “next time”?

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

With the complete kit, only a couple of hours. I actually assemble with screws and test them first. You need to glue about five simple joints. They can be knocked down a quite a bit but it is best to glue up the bench parts and the carriage beam to the arm. I knock down the school chevys to this.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Well done!!

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

I had a chance to spend some time slobbering on one Marc Adams made for Patrick Edwards to use for his class/presentation at the Woodworking in America when it was here in NC. With the size and complexity of the assembled
parts, having it able to flat pack for shipping and knock down easily (for those who don’t have a stall for it ( ;’) ) are great features. Have you worked out details for selling these outside of your school or is that beyond being “retired”?

Yes Mark, they are available to anyone. I have a discount for my students. If you haven’t been to CSFM you would pay the full price but get a discount on the level one class if you took it later.
I don’t want to post prices here but you can PM me if you are interested.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

There is a new page on my website that details all these options and includes pricing for each kit.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.