Shop Cabinet Upgrade


I haven’t posted here for a while but I’ve been hanging around. I’m working on a bigger project that has been taking a long time …….. and then there is my school, my boat, golf, travel etc. so sorry for the absence. Retirement isn’t for sissies. Anyway I will try to catch you up on some of my projects now. :-)

This is a little make work project that was brought about by an oops that occurred while I was working on an actual project that required me to dye some veneer. The dye I was using didn’t get along with the aluminium trays I was using and the result, while not catastrophic was messy.

The veneer did get dyed but as it needed to thoroughly dry before I could use it I decided to “upgrade” the bench while I was waiting ……. and that’s how all this silliness got going.

Anyway it is done now, the dyed veneer came out well, the “real” project is progressing …. and I have a really pretty workbench in my little winter shop in Az..

Thanks for looking.


The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.


I hope you can see the irony about complaining you don’t have enough time on your hands. LOL.

Losing fingers since 1969

Wow, this is in your shop, not an art gallery, Amazing work Paul.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Can I do a box swap with you? That is awesome.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

LOL Brian! Incredible work as always Paul.

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

OK Brian, you got me.
Maybe I’m just lazy……
Wolf, sorry but I keep all my tools and junk in it so it’s not available for trade….

Thanks for the comments, it was a fun diversion.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

As I have said before if the brothers Abraham and David Roentgen were still alive they would be worried by you Paul !

You obviously know its “way over the top” but still its amazing work, sadly no doubt thats the working life end for that bench!!

Couldnt leave without some dry humour.
I wondered if its just “contact” stuck on and you are just having a lend of us all.

Regards Rob

Thanks Rob ….. but it still is and will always be a shop cabinet. Where else would I put my tools? Of course it is now protected with bar top epoxy. :-)

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

I want that cabinet in my HOUSE! Seems a shame to hide it n the shop- it’s so beautiful, Paul! You’re a master!

Amor Vincit Omnia

You are too kind Cindy. :-)

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.