Veneer Hammer


Since I am starting to work with hot hide glue to do some veneering I thought I better get myself a veneer hammer but after looking at the prices and shipping I decided to make one .
During the design I came up with this idea of putting the grip at a slight angle to the blade and the handle at a slight angle also in the opposite direction .
The reason for this is to be able to keep my left wrist straight and my right arm in a position where it can move straight back past my body .
The hammer has a copper tip made up of two layers with the outer one easy to be replaced if ever necessary .
I used some jatoba for the head and hickory and birch for the handle with a couple of pieces of walnut for the end and grip section .
I like the feel and the way I can pull and push it without any discomfort so now on to a veneer project and give it a workout and get it full of glue and see how long it will stay looking like this .LOL
Another shop made tool that was a lot of fun to build and design and keep my sanity .


BTW: Thanks Paul/Shipwright for getting me interested in hot hide glue .


You and Hammer handles are driving me nuts. The handles are so cutting edge. The temp. here in Texas keeps me from the shop, so I am so jealous because I can’t do any work.

Great stuff Klaus.

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Hi Madts
It’s hot here too and the shop is about the only place that is cool in the morning so this is the perfect project ,four hours and all done and time for a snooze .
Yes I love those hammer handles and they are easy to make and become a distinctive tool and a joy to use .

I paid quite a bit for my Kunz veneer hammer and rather enjoy using it, but now I really wish I made one!

Awesome job

Also, wax it up good! I’ve had to use a little hot water to release the hammer from my glued up hands on more than one occasion :)

Hi Joe
Thanks and I did wax up the complete hammer and will give it more coats to prevent the glue from sticking to it .
Making your own tools is certaily very satisfying and I think I will like using this one because of the curved handle and top grip just seems ergonomic .
The copper tip is going to be interestig and I will see how that works out .


Beautiful hammer, I need to make one also but I don’t think it will look that nice, I would be afraid to use it and get it messy. I guess if your gonna make your self a tool you might as well make it look nice. Very nice design.

-- Paul--- Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams

Thanks tinnman65
Go for it and make it nice to your liking and it will be a tool you enjoy using and you can always make another .
Check out the twist in the top grip and handle which I think will make it better than a straight handle ,take a straight handle hammer and pull and push it like you were rubbing down veneer and watch where your arms are .
This one just took a morning to build and the cost is minimal an easy build .



That’s really a fantastic looking veneer hammer. If I had one like it, I would probably display it rather than use it!


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Thanks for the comment but I would suggest you make one and you will use it as there is nothing that feels better than a self made tool .
This is not like a picture that hangs there and gets admired but a tool that is admired and gives pleasure when used .
That is why I make some of my own tools .


Form and function don’t always go together so well as this. Enjoy using it!

Losing fingers since 1969

I am not sure I would use such a beautiful hammer even with the extra wax.
I would display it prominently in my shop though:)

Great work as always Klaus.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Wowzer that’s Gorgeous

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker