Solid Cedar Swaying Daybed/swing


I built this daybed swing for a wonderful wedding couple to get married under and the daybed/swing for after their wedding as a gift from their family.
I designed the whole thing! It’s solid cedar. The cedar was all ruff cut from a local mill. I sanded, joined, planned and routed every piece. All of it has heavy duty hardware. I hand drew and wood burned the Harley Davidson name and eagle into it. Each end piece was cut, and carved by me and my end style. They have Harley Davidson Bikes. I know now that you can get into trouble for copy rights, but I was not going around selling this swing to several people as a business.



That looks spectacular! What a lovely wedding gift.


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Many years of memories to come. Very nice.


You did a Magnificent job on building this Baby. Beautiful design and work workmanship sure they will enjoy it for years to come. The Harley Design looked Great. Don’t worry about the copy rights this should make them proud.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

Sheri you possess an amazing talent. All your work is “top shelf”, thanks for sharing.


Thank you everyone! It’s one of my favourite projects to date.

Great job, very well done way above average.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Now that is a show of the great woodworking talent that you have , very nice job


Sheri, that is beautiful and so well thought out.
Everyone must be so pleased with it

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Thank you! I really enjoy doing these types of projects.