Medieval Book Binding


I took a medieval bookbinding course last Fall at Lee Valley. I finished the book in class and did some burning on it when I got home. I enjoyed making the book so much that I made another one as a Christmas gift for my hubby’s sister. i used deerskin which her Dad had from his hunting days and burned and painted a yellow rose on the back. Inside the book I hand wrote all her Mom’s poems and writings.
Thank you for looking.



Such a lovely personal gift and keepsake for your sister-in-law . . . especially nice to have used your father-in-law’s deerskin. Those types of gifts are so meaningful. You learned the craft well. Thanks for sharing.


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Thank you L/W Your comments are much appreciated


Nice details, where do you get your leather from besides the deer?

Thank you Sheri. the suede from the first book was supplied by Lee Valley when I took the course. We also have a great supplier locally Tandy Leather


Oh my!
First, it is beautiful … and then you told the story —- what a. Treasure!!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit