Falling Ginkgo leaf


A friend of mine asked if I would build a sculpture for over his very large sofa in his new home. This is over 5 feet wide. The last image shows the “concept” of what I wanted to build for them. I found slices of wood cut-offs and stained them black with black wax. Behind this mounting was a light socket, so i mounted a small light behind the leaf, to act as a small night light in the room.

The Ginkgo leaf was carved out of yellow heart. My favorite wood for Ginkgo sculpting. It took several trials of finishes to determine what would stain the wood rounds, but not turn them 100% black. And placing them on this frame took days to work out the spacing so it was just “so.”

My client was very happy with this commission.



That’s a very interesting art piece. The final picture allows a person to comprehend the scale. Nicely done!


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

My goodness Ellen that is beautiful, it makes the whole room. Such creativity and craftsmanship, thanks for sharing it with us.


So, I looked at the individual pictures first and I thought that the logs were just your chosen backdrop for the photo of the amazing leaf and then BAM – it is all one sculpture!!! Dang.

All on one big frame, I am assuming, with a hole behind the leaf forbthe light?

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Yes, behind the leaf was a small hole to hide the light. At first I was not going to put a finish on the logs, but after i did put a satin finish on it, it really made it look super nice.

Thanks for your question.


Very cool caving, very well done.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker