Art Deco Wine Box


This was finally given to a dear friend today for her Christmas gift. She’s a single mom who rarely has any time to relax. She recently moved into a new apartment with a nice big soaking tub. So I decided to get her a nice bottle of wine along with some gift cards to a couple of her favorite stores. But I needed a way to present the items without using a traditional gift bag or wrapping paper.

Having recently purchased an Incra I-Box Jig and having used it to make some simple box joints I felt it was time to try my hand at some splined, center-keyed box joints. I had on hand a nice piece of walnut that had deep rich color, some soft maple, and several longer narrower pieces of jatoba. The I-Box Jig made short work of the joints and splines. The real work came when I had to get the splines in the corners to fit and look right with the sliding door front. I wanted to make certain the joint was barely noticeable so patience was the order of the day.

After I completed the box I decided I wanted to personalize it for her with a monogram. A Google search revealed numerous monogram generators But one jumped out for me. One of her favorite movies is The Great Gatsby and when the movie was released they had a monogram generator that created the center circle with her initials, AH. I then found the rest of the design among other pictures of the movie poster. I cut the inlay from some leftover 10-mil paper backed birdseye maple veneer. Finally with a combination of router, chisel, and X-acto knife, I created the recesses for each of the 12 individual pieces. Finish is several coats of Formby’s Tung Oil Finish (low gloss).

I think she liked it because she told me, Best Christmas Gift ever!

Thanks for looking

Pat - Biloxi MS

My compliments. As an appreciator of fine wine, this is a delightful gifting medium. However, despite all the boxes I’ve made, I’ve never done a wine box. Someday. Yours is really nice, so I hope to see more boxes from you here on Talented craftsmen are always welcome.

Beautiful wood, design and box. I can see why she liked it.

Love the design! Especially those box joints! Very cool.

You went to a lot of work with this box for a wine gift! It really looks terrific; I’ll bet she was well complimented you cared so much. Wonderful.

Might As Well Dance :

What a fantastic piece of inlay work. Your great at paying attention to the small details, I love it!

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Beautiful job on the inlay. The design is great.

Losing fingers since 1969

Great build Pat fantastic design .

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker