To lay some groundwork for this week’s theme of marquetry I thought I might post a blog I did a while back detailing the different styles of cuttin...
You might remember from the last time that I was busy preparing veneers by cutting them to size and also putting reinforcing tape on the face sides...
If I wanted to cut a circle…. what are the options? What if I only have a circular saw? What if the circle is small? Large? What if …. What are the...
In this installment of the blog I will be cutting the template. The rib cage will depend on it. I used my home made beam compass to layout my arcs ...
In the previous blog in this series, we left of with the template ready. Once I had the template it just a matter of tracing the pattern and the pr...
With the design decided and the drawer front marquetry installed the time finally came to tackle the cutting of the end motifs. This is by far the ...
Hey I just finished my first run of cutting boards and wanted to show what the first run is.
Well here is the next batch. I still have one soaking im food safe mineral oil. These are all oiled and i made my bees wax mineral oil polish. I ap...
I thought I had made a measuring/cutting mistake on the horizontal door frame pieces, but it turned out to not be so. That saved me a lot of time a...
In this video I share how I cut small parts on the miter saw. I am sure this one will be cause for active commentary from the safety police and may...
Here is a teaser so you can get an idea of the size of the horns. Keep in mind that there will be trumpet like ends attached to the horns. I will b...