Building Some Chevalets, a Class Action #7: Saw Frames, Clamp Springs, and Height Adjustability


Just a bunch of photos from the last few days to bring the project up to date. When I left off I was about to make the saw frames and the clamp springs. That went quickly.

Then I got a little sidetracked on adjustability of height for students of different statures. All of the chevys I have built have adjustable arm height by re-arrangement of graduated thickness shims, tightened by matched wedges …….

…..but in the past adjustment was infrequent and the re-drilling or replacing of the sacrificial clamp jaws was no big deal. I wanted these to be easy and accurate to adjust so that when the arm was raised or lowered, whether by an inch or just an eighth, the jaws could be matched exactly and quickly. This was my solution.

The last one shows the range of adjustment, about two inches per chevy. With one tall, two mediums and a short I can cover 20" (~21cm) to 25 1/2" (~65 cm). Then there is my existing 65 cm one as well.

I’m not quite there yet but I’m definitely getting closer.

Thanks for looking in.


The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Impressive work Paul

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Watching this blog should give anyone standing on the fence about building one of these a little push, I mean your building several at a time. I must say that you do make it look a little easier than it is but I guess you do have some experience building these things. I love what you came up with for the adjustment problem,great solution!

-- Paul--- Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams