Once I completed the final sanding and prepped according to instructions, I applied Rubio's Monocote Pure to the frame.  It was my first experience...
The leg edges and leg stretchers received a fingernail profile.   This was done with a 1/2" radius roundover bit in the router table.  Note my slig...
With all the pieces cut to shape, I moved on to cutting the mortises and slots, which I did with the help of a couple jigs.  They were all cut with...
The next step was to create a set of router templates for some of the pieces.  My original plan was to print paper templates, glue them to MDF, and...
My wife and I have some friends who are nearing the end of a house renovation, and I wanted to make them something as a house-warming gift.  I deci...
Like some others out there, I've started learning how to use Onshape.  I'm still coming up-to-speed, but I really like its parametric modeling -  b...
This is something that I've wanted to build for a while for my small shop, but never got around to it until now.  I kind of forced my own hand by f...
It turns out that two bicycle gift bags will work.  Tell me this doesn't look like a giant headless matron in an evening gown.  A masterful decepti...
For the shapes of the climbing modules, I took inspiration from the simple circle-triangle-square shapes that were repeated throughout the 2021 Net...
With the sanding out of the way and the threaded couplers epoxied into the feet, the only thing left for the upright components was to apply some f...
I'm still working on ideas for the climbing components, but since this is a Christmas present for my wife and daughter, I need to have something to...
The strut edges receive a thumbnail detail on each long edge.  I used a 3/8" radius roundover bit in the router table and adjusted the bit height u...