Shipyard Memories

22 entries

1 The Smaug Blog

Looks like some of you might like to see a little more boatbuilding (and I need to rescue my blogs from oblivion) so here goes. - These are twelve...

2 Backbone and Framing

  Besides the yellow cedar which will be used for planking, deck framing and various timbers and knees, an assortment of other woods and materials ...

3 Bending the Ribs

Note: I was new to blogging when I wrote these. They get a little too technical. 😁 If you lose me, just skip to the pictures. If you are intrigued,...

4 Planking

Probably the most anticipated part of building a wooden boat is the planking. The old boat builder I learned from used to call it "boardin' 'er up"...

5 Decking and Casting the Keel

One of the more common complaints against wooden boats is leaking decks. With a traditional caulked deck this can certainly be a challenge. Decks...

6 The Big Day: Launching

Now we are nearing the big day, launching. The hull has been faired and sanded and is ready for it's finish. The chosen product was Deks Olje, a ...

7 Interior and Stepping the Mast

The interior of the boat was completed before launching, unfortunately without any progress photos so I'll just show some finished shots here. In...

8 Under Sail

The only sailing photos I have were taken before the square rigging arrived, too bad. I say arrived because we didn't build the yards and their r...

9 The Catboats: Framed Plywood Construction, Scarfing and Setup

Plywood construction probably presents the easiest method for an amateur to build a good boat, but it is also a useful construction for a profess...

10 The Catboats: Framed Plywood Construction, Backbone and Structural Components

Before going on to the backbone and structural components of the cats, I found a photo today that belongs in yesterday's entry. This is what the ...