Shipyard Memories

22 entries

11 The Catboats: Framed Plywood Construction, Fitting Out

Completion of the hull is a milestone in any boat building project, but while many think of it as half way, those who have done much of it will b...

12 The Catboats: Framed Plywood Construction, Finished Photos and Sailing.

Well, the construction part of this blog is over such as it was, so it's time for a few shots of the finished boats. Again the differences will b...

13 Two Cape Scott 36's: Cold Molded Construction

This is the third in a series of blogs on the different types of wooden boat construction I've done. The first two covered traditional carvel pla...

14 Cold Molded Planking

  I have to apologize for my lack of a lot of photos of this stage. I guess it just seemed to boring to take a lot of photos at the time. Anyway t...

15 Rolling Hulls Over and Pouring Lead Keels

Once the hull is planked, it is skinned with 6 oz. fiberglass cloth set in epoxy and faired using several tinted coats of a high build epoxy prim...

16 Boring Bars and Custom Castings

One of the interesting tools that find a regular use in building boats is the boring bar. After the hull is finished and the time comes to instal...

17 Keel Bolts

To answer some of the questions asked about the keel bolts after my last entry, here are some photos from Friendship that show the process a litt...

18 Finished, Launched and Sailing

Time to wind up the Cold Molded Construction edition of this little trip through my old shipyard, my old photos and my old memories. The followi...

19 The Harbour Ferries: Stitch and Glue Construction.

This is the fourth and last blog on the different styles of construction that I have used in wooden boat building. Preceding blogs have covered Ca...

20 The Jig, Patterns, and Hull Glue Up

As these boats are a little larger than the usual stitch and glue hull and because some of the bends are difficult, I chose to make a female jig ...