Shipyard Memories #10: The Catboats: Framed Plywood Construction, Backbone and Structural Components


This is part 10 in a 22 part series: Shipyard Memories

Before going on to the backbone and structural components of the cats, I found a photo today that belongs in yesterday's entry. This is what the jig looked like that both were built on. None of what you see here is part of the boat except for the chine pieces at the joining area between the bottom and the sides. My Skill 100 (best powerplane ever made) is sitting on the chine.


In this shot you see the substantial keel about to be assembled from two parts. It is made in two pieces to facilitate proper preparation of the centerboard slot. The centerboard swings down through the keel in the recessed area shown here freshly coated with epoxy and 6 oz. 'glass cloth.

This is the centerboard trunk that sits above the slot in the keel and houses the centerboard when in the "up" position. It extends to well above the waterline and with it's cover off you could look right down into the water. We used to talk about fishing through it but a problem would have arisen if we had caught anything more than 2" thick.

These boats have minimal framing and are really supported by their bulkheads, so when the hull is initially turned over, it is quite floppy and must be jigged back into shape and be held that way until the bulkheads are installed. Here the main bulkhead is being fitted. This is where Catspaw and Sylvester first start to differ. Catspaw, the economical, is all marine fir plywood while Sylvester, the POSH, as shown here has Brynzeel (African Mahogany) plywood for all the interior and cabinside areas.

Now the accomodation bulkheads and bunk framing have been installed. In a small boat it is a good idea to get as much painting and finishing as possible done before you get it all closed up. Also installed here are the foredeck beams and the chain locker bulkhead. You can see the forward half of the centerboard trunk also.

Once the cabinsides are in place they, along with the hull sides, get sheathed with 6 oz. 'glass and epoxy and re-coated / sanded until glass smooth and transparent. This is probably after the first re-coat and before sanding. The bottom was sheathed when the boat was still upside down.

Here's an interior shot from forward. Visible are the teak flooring and countertop, the centerboard case, half in and half outside the cabin, preliminary seating construction and roughed in hanging locker. This is the biggest 19 footer ever! The tile for the wood stove is being laid out as well.

Same time frame but from the cockpit looking back in. The cockpit sole will be at the level of the top of the centerboard case so that the cockpit scupper is the case slot itself….cool! This photo also shows the massive forward vee berth. With no mast to contend with ( it's forward in the chainlocker) and the beamy hull this is a comfortable berth for two and you can sleep with your heads together (sort of). Sylvester had a drop-in filler between the berths that made a very large berth indeed for a 19 footer. 

Here's a picture of the plywood deck about the same time. It was 'glassed in Catspaw and non skid painted but here, in Sylvester it is not because it will be covered in 3/16" x about 2" teak strips with black epoxy seams.

This is the last picture for today. The hull is pretty well finished and the interior is complete as well. The teak decking has been laid and the seams filled with black epoxy although not all sanded yet. Next up will be the cabin top and cockpit.

Tomorrow we'll get to the fitting out.

Thanks for checking in.

Please ask questions, comment or critique. I'm having a ball with all these old memories and am more than happy to discuss your thoughts.
Thanks again


The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Big difference in the 2. They have no end as for the cost of the build, what does a person really want in the craft. How showy do they want it to be. Me I would love to have one with a lot of bright work. Thay are looking good Paul, and I am enjoying reading through the story.

Main Street to the Mountains