Learning veneer #3: Glue Mishap


While the turkey was baking in the oven, I thought I have few hour to kill.
I decided to practice some more veneering.

I just cooked a new batch of glue.

at 140 degree, I test my glue but no string between my finger. no tack on rubbed joint… NO GLUE!

I cooked another batch from the same hydrated pellets same exact thing.

That batch of pellet was hydrated last sunday (5 days ago) and I decided to go have a walk instead. I did put it in the refrigerator.

So I mixed a new batch from dry granules and this one worked.
The old batch goes to the garbage.

After a couple of hours it is still not hard.

10 hours later I can still squeeze the cup without much effort.

S it seems to me that if you hydrate the granule and do not cook it within a certain time it looses its ability to become glue; even if you refrigerate it.

Next time, I will cook it then refrigerate:)

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I can’t say I’ve ever done that Abbas so I don’t know if it is a normal reaction. I have hydrated and cooked glue and then frozen small blocks in a nice cube tray and that worked as I remember but it was a while back. Now I just keep the pot going for ever, days in the shop cooking and nights (and out of the shop days) in the fridge. The only time I hydrate new glue is when the pot is getting low and then it goes straight in and cooks.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

I am going to try it again just to make sure. I kind of scratched my head this morning as to why.

The result will be interesting.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA