The Woodworking Shows & My experience at Milwaukee, WI


Today I went to the woodworking Shows in Milwaukee, WI. They were packed so I’d say it was a great day for the show. I stopped at the Lee Valley booth and bought a new digital dial caliper that does fraction and thousandth of an inch. Had my picture taken by the show representative because they loved my sweatshirt. Had my picture taken with the 360 guys. Well two of them. Bought some more clamps, router bits, bowl making templates and much more. Did spend much time talking and sitting through some classes including a informed class on bandsaw maintenance and upgrades by carter guides. Well here are some pictures.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"


Thats cool, i wonder if they come to the DFW, TX area.

Thanks for the pictures Jeff.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Thanks for the pics Jeff, sounds like you got some great stuff.


Cool sweatshirt Jeff. I wish we had some woodworking shows here in Norway.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Looks like fun.

Losing fingers since 1969

I did ill take pictures of the stuff i picked up and post it

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Great pics Jeff. I want one of everything! Well if I had to choose I’d take the laser engraving tool. I have been wanting that for a while.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Yeah Thorreain the one in the pictures; i asked the rep how much it was he said the show model is $14,000 starting. Then you can add the attachment for doing mugs or glassware + separate software at a few more thousand all said and done right around 20K. Truly they are worth the investment but coming up with a good chunk of change is usually the issue. Thats a lot of wood projects that need to be sold. Yikes

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Had the same show here in NJ. Good stuff.

Here are the items I purchased during the show. definitely a price savings. You know I was disappointed that Incra wasn’t there. I really wanted to look at their router system. Well here are the pictures. Cleaning fluid, long drill bits, diamond card & fluid for sharpening my router bits, new bits for doing bowls and templates, a replacement rabbit bit set. my last one was a cheap set I bought over 20 yrs ago and was just worn out. Now I have quality. And I bought a decimal/fractional dial caliper which lee valley is shipping to the house & it should be here by this Friday.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Hi Jeff. I was at the show on Friday. I only had a few hours to spend there so didn’t walk away with as much as would have liked. I did pick up the same rabbet set you got though. The show was OK but it seem each year another vendor drops out or shrinks their presence at the show. I hope it turns around soon or I’m afraid it will dwindle away altogether.


Mike - Waukesha, WI

i hear what your saying Mike S it still was better than last year but the year before was really bad. there was no one there. I still had a great time there on Saturday i was there just about six hours. really took my time and did a lot of looking and asking questions to be honest i would like someday to check out other types of shows, symposiums I think they call them. like the wood turners they just had in Oregon.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"