A car hauler for the Fleet

After creating the fleet it seemed logical to tie it all together with a car hauler.

The design for the hauler took a lot more effort. A child's toy needs several considerations:
  1.  Hold all the cars in any combination. That was pretty easy to do by making sure that the longest cars fit on each deck.
  2.  Have no removable parts. My first few designs had removable ramps. That was a guarantee for lost parts. In the final design the ramps are self-contained.
  3.  Easy to operate. Little latches and locks were not going to be easy for little ones to figure out. The ramps drop into an open or closed position.
  4. Access to the cars while in the trailer. Little (and big) hands need to be able to reach inside and help the cars move along.
  5.  Sturdy. Energetic 4 year olds need tough toys. The ramp pin heads are recessed into the trailer walls to protect them.
  6.  Reasonable size. My early designs were of a single trailer with 3 decks (too tall & easy to tip) and then 2 decks (too long). It was later that I realized that a double trailer was the answer.
 The car hauler was a big hit. I didn't get a chance to take many pictures of the loaded trailers - it was busy moving cars!
 I made use of a template to get the ramp features located accurately.

The left side of the template lines up with the top and bottom edges of the trailer walls. The two longer slots line up with the top and back of the trailer walls. A 1/2" bit is used to create recesses for the pins and a 1/4" bit cuts the through slots.

The finish is the same as the cars. Transtint dyes and water based polyurethane.

I did create a web site with free plans for the toy cars . The plans are also included in the project posting for the cars. Plans for the trailer are a little more involved. I'm not sure when I'll get them available.

Front trailer

Back Trailer

I found a profile drawing of the Semi so I'll add it here. Just like the cars the body is 1 7/8" wide.


pretty cool project steve. cant tell by his expression if he loves it or is about to ask a question ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I think he was a bit confused as to why he should have his picture taken!
Great design and build Steve, I like this, and I am sure little kids will love it. Well Done.

Main Street to the Mountains

Thank you Eric - It's kind of fun to see that when friends come over to visit this would be the toy that would come out.
Cool addition!

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Fun project to make and use.    These are the best projects.


Steve, now you need to make a carrier to haul the fleet.

One day later. Verry fast Steve.


Very well thought out Steve and you are very generous to provide plans. I'm sure there will be folks taking you up on your offer.

.................. John D....................

Dutchy - it helps when things are already built 😀

Thank you awsum55!
Nice "barn" for the toys Steve!

I think he is about to ask about the BMW.
That’s a great bit of toy engineering, Steve. All of the details are so well thought out.
Thanks Splinter - Right now he is more into MineCraft. I usually let the grandkids put in a request for gifts wo it will be interesting to see what he comes up with. I've got plenty of toy plans if they don't have anything specific.
I just love these - first the cars and now this car hauler.  All so well designed.  

The picture says...I'm busy at work here, no time for a picture!
What a first class toy truck and trailer combination Steve. That with the beaut cars is hours of fun, play and imagination for any child. Top marks sir, love it. 
I’ve just got to work out how to access and download load you generously offered plans, thank you. 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Love your car and trailer designs Steve. Did you make the designs. And did your use a CNC or cut them out by hand? Either way they’re perfect. 

James McIntyre

Nice build. It looks simple but there's a lot of work in there
That looks like a lot of fun for grandson, but maybe it was just as much fun for grandpa making it!  Great gift!

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Thanks for all the comments!!
crowie - I'll contact you
James - All my designs. No CNC used. Scroll saw on the cars and truck. Hand shaped template for the trailer and then a router.
corelz - I've got about 25 hours into this part of the build
L/W - I do enjoy making almost anything!