Bluetooth speaker

Drive in movies were big once upon a time. When they started broadcasting the sound on the radio it was a big improvement over the speaker boxes that hung onto a window. They never did sound good, little better than a tin can and string telephone.

This one sounds good for only having 1 speaker.

I made a dado/box joint jig for the speaker grill.

This one looks like someone forgot to remove the speaker before driving off.

Basswood 4 & 1/2" x 4 & 1/2" x 7 & 1/2"

Acrylic paints and Mohawk Dead Flat lacquer.

Hey, you don't know me, but you don't like me ... Buck Owens


Cool little project. I remember the drive in's, one even held a wet t-shirt contest every Friday.

Main Street to the Mountains

Dang buddy!

I like to scan the photos first before finishing the reading. I thought wow, you did a great job making that box look vintage. Then I started looking closer, the grommet, steel screws into the pedestal for the window hook....
You converted the guts of an original,
Then, the process photos. Wow again, you did make a replica, warts and all.

Hat is tipped!

A friend locally lives across the road from an old abandoned drive in. he has several of those old speakers which were all left hanging on their stands in the weeds.


This is a project I didn't want to stop working on long enough to take pictures.

 A friend locally lives across the road from an old abandoned drive in. he has several of those old speakers which were all left hanging on their stands in the weeds. 

Those are starting to get expensive these days

Hey, you don't know me, but you don't like me ... Buck Owens

Nice job! Nostalgic for sure. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

My window "accidently" drove off with a few of those in the day.😮

Nice work, and reminder.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.


Very nice...Looks very Authentic.  I recall many years ago people forgetting to remove the Speaker and driving off......Some people would consume Alcohol while watching the Movies and were driving off Tanked.
Good Project......Cliff.

Certainly blue, but nothing like a tooth... at least from what this gummy can remember.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

I like the texture, the color and the cut off wires! Though I've never experienced drive in movie. It looks cool!

No name noobie here

I like woodworking serving modern elcetronics.


 commented about 7 hours ago
I like the texture, the color and the cut off wires! Though I've never experienced drive in movie. It looks cool!

Drive in movies and lay back seats... you haven't lived.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


Made me laugh... (I guess I'm showing my age by knowing about these?) Many a Friday night was spent at the drive-in but my favorite memory is going to a Triple Feature Horror night (3 great old movies starring Vincent Price) with my father. No one else in the family wanted to go so I actually got to sit in the front seat for once!


Yooper with a Drawl

That is very cool.   I too am one of those vintage models that frequented the drive-ins way back when.  
Awwe  Good times.... Good times!

Thank you all !!

Hey, you don't know me, but you don't like me ... Buck Owens

Look like the ones I remember at the drive in. 
I’m sure it sounds much better. Now the name blue tooth makes sense to me. It’s blue. 

I had a friend that was hard of hearing and could read lips. We would sit on a hill across from the drive in and he would tell me what they were saying. He ran into trouble when they showed a French X-rated movie. 

All we could understand was Fin at the end of the movie because I took French in 9th grade. 

James McIntyre

This project does bring back memories and the sound was not exactly hifi.
First we had a small public play ground on the back fence of a neighborhood drive in theater and in the summer we would sneak over the fence and turn up the sound on the speakers in the back row (the theater folks turned them all down every night to save power) then go back and sit on the play ground equipment and watch the movie. A few years later in high school I ended up working in the canteen there . After high school I returned to be the part time asst. manager while I was going to college. Lots of stories to tell about what goes on there.......
Awesome idea! You nailed the look.