Music Box

I've been inspired by Roger Bean, a very talented man who succumbed to cancer some time ago. but prior to passing published a video blog on box building which guided my journey with this one. The box itself is 11/32" baltic birch, with the top laminated of two 1/16" sheets of it and the bottom two layers of 1 /8"  This box features a dome top and maple laser cut monogram cut into the walnut burl and some very unique brass feet by Brusso.  The body is covered with Walnut burl and all corners are inlet with Maple and black white black banding. It is finished with multiple coats of Lacquer hand  rubbed to a high gloss. topped off with Rennaissance wax.  Inside is lined with curly maple highlighted with banding  in the cover as well as the inner edges of the cover and box. A small brass piano hinge features a built in stop to hold the lid @ just over 90º when open, and the 50 note Orpheus movement has a hinged glass dust cover, and recessed sound board for better base resonance.  Biggest challenge of the build was fitting the three way miter joints at the corners of the domed top.  And of course the most time was spent on the gloss finish.   This box is a gift to our grand daughter for her graduation this year. 

Dave Clark


Beautiful box and a great gift. I’m sure Rodger Bean is smiling down on you. 

I wish you would have showed us how you made the 3 way miters. 

Or should we watch the Rodger Bean  video?

James McIntyre

Spectacular box!

I will look into the brass feet.  I am a Brusso fan.

Thanks for posting.


Just absolutely stunning, you are inspiring 

TimV, "The understanding eye sees the maker's fingerprints, they are evident in every detail, leave Fingerprints." James Krenov

Wonderful box   Good looking and a great gift.     She should cherish it.  


Nice box Dave, and a wonderful tribute to Roger. He was a great woodworker and a good friend.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Very nice work, I'm sure you will have a very happy granddaughter.

-- Paul--- Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams

A classic box 'a la Roger Bean', and also Andrew Crawford, which I think may be where Roger got his inspiration from.  If you haven't seen Andrews work check him out here  and his box hardware here   Andrew and then Roger both inspired me!!   Another exceptional link for 'real' classic antique boxes in similar style is Daniel Lucian web site
Martin, as I remember Roger went to England and took classes from Andrew. He bought Andrew’s hardware too.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Beautifully done, your music boxes are very nice.

.................. John D....................

Beautiful Box, Dave! Roger was and awesome guy and a great craftsman! It's great to see that you're still making saw dust.   

Dennis Zongker

That is a beautiful music box, well done.

Main Street to the Mountains

James McIntyre:  Roger doesn't go into his mitre joints as his box was flat topped. My method of fitting them was trial and error!  Madburg: I spent a week with Andrew in England, again prompted by Roger. Have an inventory of Andrew's hinges and locks.  Shipwright:  Yes Roger did go to England, and shared his experience with me prior to my trip -Great guy.  I have finally called it quits on the Chevalet kits, advanced age and burnout took their toll and I ended up with 37 sold and one for myself. Quite an experience.  Dennis, Good to hear from you, hope life is good in Omaha! 

Dave Clark

that is some fine craftsmanship. great job on the domed lid and 3 way miters. that will be handed down through many generations.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

First class all the way! Thanks for sharing.