Cornhole boards


I was commissioned to build another set of cornhole boards by Roanoke County Parks for use at Explore Park. Made from marine grade plywood and treated lumber. They both have handles and a built in box to store the bags. The trees represent the park and the blue is the river that runs through it. Thanks for looking.


Good Idea , nice work Jack

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

A lot of things out there look, well, commercial. That is, very well built, precisely designed and detailed, and so on. In short, a whole lot better than what someone working with tools for the first time put out.

You are, obviously, there (something we strive for, unless we are in the ironic mode and building a new antique (e.g., faux painting, etc.).

Nice job.

Thank you Jim and thank you Kelly for the very kind words.


Looking good, Jack! Nice work. How many layers of spar varnish did you put? You can tell us in logarithmic form to cut the 0’s down enough to fit on the page. ?

At Jones beach, they’re made of concrete. They’ll last, but they’re not as nice looking.

Losing fingers since 1969

Thank you Brian, and you are right about the varnish. Used a full quart which amounted to 7 coats I think. Speaking of jones Beach, you been doing fishing?


Another month before they show up. Then I’ll be on the beach at 2am. Just the way I like it – I get the whole place to myself. :-)

Losing fingers since 1969