Rehabbed chess board


I call this a rehab of a chess board I made from awhile back. Since then I have made the pieces, added new knobs, restructured the top, did an epoxy pour and added green felt and dividers to the drawer. I had given up on making the pieces until I bought my spindle sander. It was so fast and easy to make them with the sander. The epoxy really make the walnut and maple jump. Thank you for looking.


Very cool Jack I like the unique style of the chess pieces , very well done.

Beautiful Chess Board. a job well done.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

So, it isn’t always the devil that is in the details.

Nicely done.

Those pieces are so beautiful – strong but with gentle edges!!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Thank you to everyone for the kind words.


A great way to store the pieces and have a beautiful board as well. Do you play well? I’m hopeless. My great nephew beats me every time!


Wow! Awesome finish on that board!

Lew- Time traveler. Purveyor of the Universe's finest custom rolling pins.

Thank you Lew and Anna. I do play Anna, but it’s like my golf game, sometimes good, sometimes not.
