Walnut is my favorite hardwood, and i had a few special pieces that i was trying to decide what to do with them, i was thinking of a table but then i thought this would look best hanging from the wall, i added the piece of cherry for the heart and then i sculpted the shelf some, i finished it with 5 coats of lacquer and now have it hanging in my bedroom, thanks for taking a look….grizzman

"the grizz" [''''']

Beautiful wall art ,excellent choice of woods and creative thinking to boot. A big thumbs up Bob.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

That’s really pretty Bob and you can put your teeth on the little shelf at night. :-)


The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

dang it paul, i thought the teeth were a secret,,,im saving what i have left to use for inlays for my childrens christmas presents,,,well i was asked by the nto to ship this to there political officem so off it went yo mexico, where it will be put omo file as space tools

"the grizz" [''''']

Nicely done.
The heart choice of wood really compliment the shelf.
I like the “veins” flowing down.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Great work, Grizz. I too love walnut. This piece is spectacular!


Your artist side really came out on this one Bob. A wonderful piece!

Mike, an American living in Norway