tv trays


i had a dear neighbor who was in a terrible accident, he went through a three car roll over, was in ICU for 3 months and in a forced coma for 2, he came home this last friday sept 26 2014, and i wanted to do something nice for him and his wife, so i made these trays for him to be served on, there are made from cherry, walnut, red cedar and spalted oak, they were finished with several coats of spray lacquer, thanks for taking a look…grizzman

"the grizz" [''''']


You are a good man Bob.
The trays are lovely and will be much appreciated I’m sure.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

That’s a great deed Grizzman.

They are very nice trays too.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Beautiful, Bob… and I’m sure the neighbors appreciate your kindness.


You are the most generous person I know.

Lew- Time traveler. Purveyor of the Universe's finest custom rolling pins.

Very nice Grizzman. Very thoughtful too.

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

thank you friends for your very nice comments, thank also glad to see so many friends join this new site, as what happens with new sites it takes time for things to get to rockin and rolling, and im happy to be a part of Martins new wood working site, many of us were a part of his first brain child not to far after he had created lumberjocks, he put so much work and so much of his life into it and made it what it is today…so we know the potential for this to be just as good and much better will be just around the corner, so please invite your freinds to become a part of this new place where we can hang out and encourage each other to to be the best we can be….:)

"the grizz" [''''']

Good looking trays Grizz. Super work and the Benevolence is a wonderful bonus.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

Good thoughts and deeds Bob. I love the way you mix those different woods in your unique work. These are really great looking trays!!

Mike, an American living in Norway

Extra nice.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker