TIPS: Wood Storage


What are your TIPS re: storing wood?

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

20 Replies

I haven’t been in this building very long, had to move a lot of stuff in before I was ready . Some things are just there waiting for there on place.

This unit was originally a 2 sided roll about all purpose storage. I dismantled it and place the 2 sides end to end for a 5’x 16′ × 12″ rack.

I just finished this unit for storing short pieces of hardwood, turning blocks & other finds. It measures 8’ L x 2’D x 8’ 4" H

This unit is 4’D x 15’ L x 9’ H
The first 2 stalls are designed to hold 4×8 sheet goods, the next 2 will hold 1/2 sheets underneath & smaller on top, the next will hold 8’ planks with short pieces up & in front.
The last section houses the compressor & scaffold with 4’ material above.
On top there is room for up to 16’ lumber.
Thanks to all who contribute, I have learned a lot and I am implementing the new ideas in my ongoing shop creation of hopefully my last shop.
Don’t want to ever move all of this again !! LOL


Very nicely organized Jay. I can only hope one day.


Thanks Jack for the kind words !!

There are a few pieces in there that need to go to make room for more 4×8 MDF, plywood , etc


Good organization Jay.

You got a lot of wood.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Thanks Ian !!
I need to get caught up so I can get back to woodworking & use up some if that wood. LOL


Wow im not showing any pictures after seeing them pictures of Jays. Nice, im just wowed.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Thanks Jeff, you are the one that has great pictures of beautiful creations !!


I envy your amount of stock . That is a lot of wood


I really need to upgrade my storage rack.

Losing fingers since 1969

Hey Brian we were talking about that like two months ago. Did you come up with any other ideas?

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Nothing new. Still thinking about the swing-out plywood cart. I do a lot of thinking before starting. Probably too much. ;-)

Losing fingers since 1969

Nah. Your best to think it out before you build. Otherwise youll be say darn it should have. Lol in due time buddy. Weigh out all your options and all your needs. I make a pro and con list and do your design off you pros

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

It’s funny. I make the list a dozen time for every project but I end up changing the design many times during the build.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

So do I, but usually because I screwed something up and I need to recover. Haha!

Losing fingers since 1969

Oh boy. Lol lol lol

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

When I started using veneer I built a four foot deep set of drawers in part of my vertical sheet storage area.

That worked well until I started buying longer veneer. That required some creative storage thinking.

Then when I bought my stock of exotic sawn veneer from Paris, I really had to up the ante and build good storage so I built slide out shelves in my crawl space. There is a set of three four foot square shelves at each end of the trap door area. It is cool and dark down there just like the room in Paris where I bought them. I call mine “La Cave” as did they. The word means the same in both languages but in France also refers to cellars (think wine). :-)

I have some solid wood around too but the first class accommodations are all for veneer.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

You got some really nice veneer Paul.
Les Fils de Georges have some great stuff judging from what you got.
The last time I visited Paris was 11 years ago…

Great thinking for the storage space.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Very nice veneer storage & shop, very organized.
You do beautiful work.
I bought a box of assorted veneers back in the 60’s, made a few things.


J’adore “La Cave” … brilliant
(and your LONG storage unit… )

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit