Shipyard Memories #18: Finished, Launched and Sailing


This is part 18 in a 22 part series: Shipyard Memories

Time to wind up the Cold Molded Construction edition of this little trip through my old shipyard, my old photos and my old memories. The following are about all the finished shots I have of these boats. Apparently I was more interested in the building than the product. ... Interesting.

On with the show. The first one is of the cockpit of Olfara. It's all teak and was all made up in the shop, even the wheel. The little bronze plate on the steering pedestal was my builder's plaque.

Midships looking aft, starboard side, Olfara. (Strangely I have no inside photos of Stevador) Nav station on the left, galley on the right and the aft stateroom door right center. The interior is oak and teak.

Looking forward from the galley toward the starboard side. Notice the chainplate doublers on the cabinside. This allowed very close sheeting of the genoa.

Forward port side looking aft. The engine was amidships in the box under the table. That left a huge space in the stern under the cockpit for storage.

From the bottom of the companionway looking forward. This one shows the teak and white epoxy sole, galley cabinetry, overhead hatch and the serious roof camber.

This is what "custom building" means. If the customer wants a bath tub on his sailboat, he gets one. This one is made of plywood, epoxy, 'glass cloth and linear polyurethane paint. It was quite large too. We called it the sail locker. It's under a forward berth.

Olfara gets launched. Notice the fin keel with skeg hung rudder. The owners always got to ride the boats into the water.

Stevador gets launched. She had the longer keel with the rudder on the aft end. That's the owner in the blue shirt. The other in the red is J.P., one of my crew.

I have no good shots inside Stevador but you can imagine the great aft cabin inside this stern. We set her up so that almost all sail could be handled from a hatch in the wheelhouse roof. One point of interest in this photo is that you can see the chock castings from Olfara's toerails (see last entry) doing double duty here as fairleads for jib sheets leading from tracks on the afterdeck up to the control station on the house top. Sorry about all the terms but the sailors will understand.

Here we have the trial run for the innovative control position. We were a bit concerned that it wouldn't work as well as we hoped but it was for nothing. It worked very well indeed. In the last photo you could see the chocks / fairleads. In this one you can see how they worked. I am sheeting the genoa here with a big self tailing winch in easy reach of the hatch position.

I only got one chance to photograph Olfara sailing and it was snowing! You may also notice there was no wind…. Oh Well.

My shipyard was in Coal Harbour on the north end of Vancouver Island and our outlet to the Pacific was on the west coast. That made the maiden voyage for my boats (the ones that weren't trailered anyway) a trip around the notorious Cape Scott, the northern tip of the island. We called this model the "Cape Scott 36"and this is a photo I took from a friend's Cessna of Stevador on her way around. It was a good shakedown. It got quite a bit rougher down there than it looks in this photo.

Well, that's a wrap on this one.

Thanks for enduring my reminiscences and posting your kind words. I've enjoyed doing the blogs and hope that you've enjoyed reading them. There's one more style I haven't touched on yet and I may do one on it if there's enough interest. It's stitch and glue plywood construction and I've built a total of sixteen small ferries in the style for three different companies, one of them my own. In fact I'd bet that more than a few of you have actually ridden on one of them.

Questions, comments and whatever … always welcome.


The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Some pretty craft. enjoyed the journey. 

Main Street to the Mountains

 There's one more style I haven't touched on yet and I may do one on it if there's enough interest. 
Do it!! Even though I haven't commented on most of it, I've really enjoyed every bit of this series! Even if you did write half of it in Yiddish...😉

“If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not working on hard enough problems.”

Paul, you have my interest on this journey. I have read a few books on the subject, and still learning.

Main Street to the Mountains

I’ll get on it. Thanks!

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

No hurry Paul, it's a holiday week.

Main Street to the Mountains

I am also following so ... more please.  :-)

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.