Simple Jigs and Techniques #2: Chevalight


As I get older my eyes seem to require more and more light to see fine detail. That is a problem when cutting on the chevalet, especially when cutting piece by piece (classic) style where line following is critical. After trying all sorts of floor mounted lamp solutions I finally decided to put a little thought into a chevalet mounted light source that would
1) give good illumination from the left side of the blade,
2) not interfere with my left hand manipulating the packet,
3) not interfere with the packet rotating around the blade and
4) adjust to allow the largest packet my saw frame will (18").

Here’s what I came up with this afternoon. I haven’t used it a lot but I think it will be fine. it certainly adds a lot of light right where I need it. The light is a cheap incandescent spot (~$10).

Hope this will be of interest to some of you with old eyes and chevalets. :-)

Thanks for looking.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Good thinking.
It does the job well.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Great job Paul, you always come up with simple solutions to those nasty problems.

-- Paul--- Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams

Looks great Paul. I have a lamp with an adjustable arm mounted on the wall just in front of my chevy which works very well.

Mike, an American living in Norway