With my latest crochet project completed, I went back to looking for an amigurumi animal that hand-size, rather than 18" or so.  Sifting through t...
2nd Todays Work Materials were prepared for the frame cutouts. The 18mm (a little less than3/4") birch this time. There wasn’t enough space to cut ...
I didn't start out wanting to make a doll. My goal was just to dip my toe into sculpting a face for amigurumi creations. With this in mind, I beg...
I'm in the process of making a doll and the goal was to make a face that didn't let down the entire project. I'm pleased with the result.   [faces...
My journey into amigurumi has been fun and challenging. One of my biggest challenges is creating a face that looks good. I am NOT a perfectionist...
Well I’m at it, the one part of this build that I wasn’t 100% confident in. I started the glue up with two sides and the 8 straightest boards to gi...
With the legs already cut to length its time to glue them up. I have the joinery drawn out on the top roughly so that after cutting the boards the ...
Work Bench Build #3 Wood Selection And Layout I got to use the bench to build a bench right away to lay out the boards for the top. But I removed t...
My workshop has served my family well. Now it is time to dedicate some space to woodworking. It can accomidate about 10 people in comfort watching ...
For over 15 years now I have been working out of my garage as a workshop without a carpenters vise or a dedicated carpentry space. The shop has pro...
My health has taken a bad turn lately so progress has been crawling. The recent trips to physio therapy, sports massage, ultrasound, chiropractor, ...
Day 8 Work The parts for the main weight were cut and some some small parts were finished. A couple of grub screws had to be custom made because I ...