Day 9 work The different parts were glued up, namely; the 3 piece main frame the 5 piece winding wheel (5 wheels glued together to form a pulley li...
I have been wanting to make a wooden geared clock for some time now and I finally got around to buying some plans for one. I bought them from a Ger...
Fibonacci gauges rounding jig and a near disaster… Hi again Craftisan’s. In the last part the measures, cuts and holes were made to the gauge arms,...
Fibonacci gauges finally the screws arrived. Hi again again Craftisan’s. Now we can call it done, the screws took some time time to arrive and I he...
Fibonacci gauges rivets, branding and more… Hi again Craftisan’s. In the last part we finished the build of the first one, while we are waiting for...
Fibonacci gauges you will get the point. Hi again Craftisan’s. In the last part we made gouge arm points, yes jigs and . So this blog starts with u...
Being a Canadian, I just have to add a moose to my amigirumi collection! Now, to find the right pattern ... It might be this one: [Image] Mart...
Collets or collet chucks are an excellent way to hold small pieces and with good tools the work can be removed from the collet and reinstalled with...
Welcome to the latest news from the Craftisian Labs. Blog Series Are Back! Craftisian Blog Series are back in the spotlight with the awesome new ...
Fibonacci gauges making the arms. Hi again Craftisan’s. In the last part ended with ready made gauge arms, so we will go from there. We have the lo...
Much time has past since my last post here, too much time and change, both in my life and in my workshop, to go back and bring everyone up to date....
Q: When you first started working with wood, what was your inspiration/goal? My first projects were mostly projects of necessity. I needed a new de...