Japanese inspired jewel box for my daughter.


Jewel box for my daughter
Japanese inspired

My inside out beautiful daughter Mathilde is now fourteen and in Denmark it’s tradition you have your confirmation at this age if you want to become a member of the Christian church.

She as most other teens were wishing for a MacBook, jewelry and other wonderful pling stuff of our consumer world, so yes she got some green for that, but I found that I needed to make her something with my hands, something my head had designed and that I could put my love into.

So knowing she has a soft spot for delicate boxes, likes little secrets and was wishing for jewels, I thought it must be the right thing to make her a jewel box.

You can see the blog here: http://lumberjocks.com/mafe/blog/41332

1. The finished jewel box.
2. The box when closed.
3. Detail from the tray.
4. Wood spring and runners of ash.
5. Recycled wood.

Hope it can be to some inspiration or even a smile of joy,

Best thoughts,


MaFe vintage architect and fanatical rhykenologist.


So cool! You’re a great dad. Those other things will come and go, but this she will have and cherish forever. Great job!

That is a wonderful example of your typical “mafe” style Mads. It has you all over it and inside it and your daughter will feel your presence every time she opens it. You could have made no better gift.
Always, you make me smile.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

That’s a great gift Mafe. That will be her treasure for ever.

It’s amazing when it’s closed it seem like a small box but when open it has so much inside.
Nice touch on the round mirror.

Great work on that.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Mads, You did good on that one. As ugly as you are I am surprised that you have a daughter as beautiful as Mathilde. Hope to be back in Denmark in the fall. Maybe I will see you then.

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Hi guys,
Madts, I laughed so hard, that I almost dropped the laptop when I read your comment. I will be thrilled to see you in my workshop again.
Ian, yes I am also really pleased with that, it is like a world is opening up, step by step.
Shipwright, Paul, thanks, I am now singing ‘I did it my way’. I pray you are right and like the thought of one day when I am gone, she will sit there, old and with wrinkles being reminded of her father. ;-)
David, she is a good daughter, so I am also a lucky father.
MichalBulla, thanks from my heart.
Thank you guys for the kind comments, this is a proud and happy father speaking.
Best of my thoughts,

MaFe vintage architect and fanatical rhykenologist.

lucky daughter!!!
what a beautiful thought – -of her old and with wrinkles thinking of her father.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

By the way, where did you order the bamboo nails from? I have been using bamboo grilling sticks about 3 mm. across. OK but not the greatest.

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

What an entrée, MaFe :) Welcome!

Martin Sojka, Maker of Craftisian

Way to go, Daddy! Inspiring in more than one aspect.

Fabulous and, like others have said, that’s one gift that won’t become obsolete at the next release or the next fashion. She will own and love that forever. Great blog, btw. Very cool.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Very very nice! This is beautiful.

David L. Whitehurst

Hi 3W’s,
Thank you for your kind words and the congrat from the site I just saw.
Debbie a smile for you.
Madts, I got them from Germany, but now I can only get beech… So guess I will also have to change horse.
Martin, thanks so good to be around you as always.
Rich, a proud daddy here thanks.
Wolf, I hope you are right. ;-)
David, smiles here.
Best thoughts,

MaFe vintage architect and fanatical rhykenologist.

Great box! A lot of storage in a small space. Something your daughter will cherish forever!


Thank you Willie. she use it every day now, so I am a happy dad.
best thoughts,

MaFe vintage architect and fanatical rhykenologist.



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woodworking classes, custom furniture maker


don’t ask how I did it :)

Very cool design,really nice work.

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