WoodworkingWeb Interview: Mike40


This interview, with Mike40, is from January 2015

1. What is your “inspiration story” — where did your interest in woodworking all begin?
My main inspiration to take up woodworking was a segmented walnut bowl that my older brother turned in high school. As a kid I wasn’t very handy and so it wasn’t until I retired that I went out and bought a lathe to try some woodturning, still with my brother’s walnut bowl in mind. I bought my first lathe from a local hardware store. It was a real cheap Chinese lathe. I took it home, set it up and just looked at it for a week without attempting to use it. I finally decided that I would never be happy with that poorly made lathe, so I returned it and bought one for about four times the price, not to mention quite a few accessories and turning tools that I got with it. All I that was needed now was how to use it all.

2. Who is your woodworking mentor and why?
I have never had one mentor, but I have always been an avid reader and so I bought a lot of woodworking books to get started. Subscriptions to the American Woodturners Association and the fine woodwork magazines really helped. I supplemented these subscriptions with books purchased at my local tool store. To this day I continue to read a lot, but I also learn a lot, maybe nowadays mostly from the internet. All of that content comes from a host of experts and not so expert woodworkers who I feel have all been my mentors and to whom I give thanks for having both inspired and taught me what I know today.

3. Power or hand tools?
I like using both hand and power tools. There is more joy in hand tool use when they are used selectively, but power tools are wonderfully efficient and they do the boring and physically demanding work very well, especially for repetitive work. A great advantage for a 74 year old like myself.

4. What is your dream project and when do you think you will tackle the challenge?
I can’t claim to have a dream project, but I sometimes dream that I could master at least one woodworking skill. instead I continue to explore the different branches of the craft. I see a video or read an article or post on the site and it makes me curious enough to want to try it, so I have finally accepted that I will never do any one kind of work long enough to be really good at it. So I guess that I am more of a woodworking tourist than an actual woodworker.

5. What is the greatest gift that this craft gives you?
Woodworking has been a wonderful and positive pastime for me. The diversity and range of acquired skills and completed projects is what I find to be the most motivating aspect of woodworking, and perhaps just as important, there is also the social aspect, enjoying the interaction with my many woodworking friends, their work and their words.

6. What are your “words of wisdom” that you want to pass on to others, especially to beginners?
I do think most younger folks would do best to start out with hand tools, as a small inexpensive collection can do most any kind of work that the machines can do and perhaps even more. However, anyone wanting to use only hand tools had better learn how to sharpen edge tools first, or they will be sorely disappointed! If their tools won’t cleanly cut anything they are useless. Starting with machines is also great for those who can afford them and have somewhere to place them. Beginners will also need instruction. Having a mentor with the appropriate skills is good, but not essential. With the internet woodworking sites and all the good books, magazines and videos available it shouldn’t be too difficult to get started on their own.
~Mike, an American living in Norway

(Thanks, Mike!)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit


We would have guessed that you’ve been woodworking for years with your skill level! We can only imagine what your skills would be if you had been doing woodworking all along.

It’s nice getting to know you a little better.


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Super interview Mike
You always are able to express yourself so well plus your projects and blogs always inspire myself and many others. You’re a very knowledgeable and share what you know and have learned with others.The thing that impresses more than anything else about you, is that your a kind and supportive person on your internet presence and I’m sure in person. I consider you a good friend through our years of shared time on the internet.
God bless you my friend.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

I too thought you were a woodworker for ages.
You definitely have a lot of good advise and great projects.
You certainly don’t shy difficult projects.
I think you are attracted to the dark side: marquetry :) You will do very well there.

Great interview my friend.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Ver good interview! It is great to hear how fellow crafts workers think, and how they came to be a part of this wonderful world, especially with the advent of the Internet we can share with people.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Nice to read how you became a woodworker. You learnd a lot of books and internet and now I learn from you. Thank you for all your contributions.


Thanks so much for all those heart warming comments everyone. I feel very lucky to be spending so much time in the company of folks like yourselves. I can only dream that the rest of the people in the world could get along as well as we do.

Mike, an American living in Norway

All well said Mike, especially the last comment. The world could take lessons.

There’s a lot to be said for being a “Jack of all trades”. I very much admire people who have a wide range of competence, even if they aren’t “expert” at anything. …….. and you are a better woodworker than you are giving yourself credit for IMHO.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Thanks for those flattering words Paul, they will help reinforce my self delusions. Never mind, it’s mostly about enjoyment and even though you are a real expert in quite a few woodworking disciplines, I strongly suspect you are, like myself, also in it for the pure joy of doing it. I truly regret that I didn’t start a lot sooner.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Mike I have been trying to contact you.

Regards Rob