Extra Kitchen Cabinet


Built this cabinet for a young lady that needed extra storage in her small kitchen. Solid pine, 4’ wide x 2’ deep x 3’ tall. Back was also Built to be able to use it as an island piece in the future. It will be painted.


Very nice work Sheri. Looks great.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Thanks, I wish it wasn’t pine, I would have built it differently. Wood was so brittle, the router would just split it. Plus all the wood was warped, and twisted. It took more work to plane it, etc, then if I had just used harder wood. If that made sense..lol. She couldn’t afford much. I won’t take on anymore furniture projects using pine.

It is lovely
So I’m guessing that you don’t like working with pine??!!! :)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

It came put well even though you had to use a lease wood for this project Good job

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

I like pine but not when detailing projects. It’s just to soft of a wood and it splinters easily. ?

This is very neat..Thanks for sharing .


Pine or not that is a nice build Sheri.


Thank you, I’m almost done the kitchen island I’ve been working on for almost a week. It’s all done by joinery. Talk about time consuming..lol. Should have pictures posted this weekend.

Very nice. I like the inset doors.
As far as i am concerned there are two kinds of Pine. The one is the one you buy at the box store, which is good for about nothing. Maybe a shelf in the upstairs closet. Then there is the stuff you can buy at the lumber yard. A completely different animal.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

So true Madts, I did have much of a choice this time. This lady (personal friend) was trying to save on money so I used the cheapest but in the long run I spent more time and money perfecting it…lol.