The first box made with the new box clamp I posted recently.

The box turned out perfectly square and was a breeze to complete , the finish is a new bees wax process I came up with and took about an hour from start to finish and is glass smooth with a satin sheen.
On this one I used copper for accents on the lid lift,tray handle and also for the leather hinge plates which I think work well with the birds eye maple and jatoba.
This box will go to a friend as a gift along with a little tapper mallet .
Comments and questions are always appreciated .



Beautiful box Klaus, your friend will love it. Now you’ve got me curious about your new beeswax process. I have used beeswax on a lot of turnings in the past and I’m amazed how well those finishes have held up.

Mike, an American living in Norway

I will do a blog on this down the road and in the mean time will see how this cures over the next little while .
It is just too easy to do and the time involved is minimal as compared to the way I used to do it .
So Far the result has impressed me .


I like it Klaus.
Simple is often used to mean easy or unchallenging. Then there is elegance where simplicity involves achieving perfection in the fewest moves.
This is simply elegant.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Thanks Paul and that is exactly the feeling I had with the design of this box .
I wanted the wood to speak and show it’s beauty and not distract from it .


I’m always inspired by your posts. Thank you for that! This is a beautiful box. I really like the leather hinges. Very cool!

Beautiful box Klaus. I am sure your friend will like it.

As expect the jig worked perfectly.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Striking! Love the birdseye with jatoba.


Very nice. I agree with Paul 100%.

Losing fingers since 1969

Very elegant. Lovely. Such simple clean lines. It represents the wood very well, showing off the grains and colour without cluttering. I love it truly.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Wow this is a beautiful box ,I really like the choice of woods.

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