

Temps are starting to drop, time to get the old heater fired up.

Anyone use a wood stove in the shop?
What sorts of heat do you use?

19 Replies

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

I have a heat pump. Air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter. I love, it keeps the shop at a steady temperature all the time. You can see it mounted on the wall high up in the background behind my grandson.

Mike, an American living in Norway


We have an 80,000 BTU gas forced-air system with carefully placed cold-air returns (with filters), but it still means frequent filter changes. The programmable thermostat makes it nice for keeping gas use down but still having a warm shop when we want it.

The wood heat is for the house!


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

I just have the house furnace in the garage. When the house is being heated, the garage get pretty warm too:)

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

my shop has no heat and only minor insulation. i’m jealous of you guys.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

My first shop was heated (primarily) with a wood stove, though I had a gas forced air furnace to hold the temps to 50º when I wasn’t in there. I have to admit, the crackle of a fire in the stove (along with a chance to conceal all mistakes) was really special when I was working in there on a snowy day. But the stove did take a sizable piece of real estate and eventually had to go to make room for an assembly table (sigh). We moved and my new shop is slightly larger, but evne though I brought that wood stove with I haven’t hooked it up…just putting in another gas forced air furnace. Some day, maybe, I’ll put the wood stove in; but as I age I find the prospect of gathering fire wood a lot less attractive.

"I long for the day when coke was a cola and a joint was a bad place to be" Merle Haggartd

The first year I was in the shop I figured that I could tough it out, that was the first and last year without heat.

My garage is built into the house. Bedrooms above and living room next to it. There is an insulated pipe running along the ceiling on one side that feeds the baseboard heaters upstairs. I’ve been thinking about changing that to fintube but I’ve been lazy. Maybe in the spring. Shop rarely gets below 50° since there is heat above and to the side so it’s tolerable.

Losing fingers since 1969

In Texas no work for about 3 months because of a non insulate garage. After that all is well. working at a temp of 40 degs. is wonderfull.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

BINGO Madts! Isn’t it just great! Still running two fans with the 9×16′ door wide open.

The best part? I’m NOT sweating all over those cast iron surfaces!


Mine is my garage, so no heat or air. I do have few large propane space heaters for when I need to get something done. Last year there was a few times it go down to -22F a few times. So thats a no go for garage time.

Next year the garage door gets replaced with a VERY good one so there will be some improvement. Would love to have a dedicated shop one day but that’s a far off dream right now.

If you dont like what you can buy, build it.

I have 3 bays separated with their own doors . I use a mister heater that runs on propane , What ever bay i’m going to be in that’s where I put it. I have a fan behind it on low about a foot higher than the heater , with out air movement the only warm spot is next to the heater . In my office I use a milk house heater plugged into an out let that is hooked to a wall thermostat . I also have a small ceiling fan that I move from bay to bay cause we all know where the heat is .


I am very lucky in as much as I have the entire basement for the shop with central air and heat, measuring 60 X 36.


That’s very spacious, Jack, and sounds comfortable year round.

Losing fingers since 1969

I have an electric heater on my bench and extra layers on my body…. When that’s not enough I head inside for a while and fire up the coffee pot. Just put in new garage doors so I’ll see if that helps this winter

My shop is in an old office building that we have been working on for about 3 years.
The outside walls are 14" thick brick, block & concrete, therefore the inside temp stays a lot more constant.
The shop has a central heat/AC unit but I don’t use it.
I like the wood heater. I place 5 gal buckets near each tool for scraps for kindling. The city has chip sites around town that people take trees & limbs to & pick up mulch for the garden. The one that I frequent is only 2 miles from my shop.
Sometimes I find some good hardwood that I can saw into blocks & lumber.


It’s better than mine :(

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)