Blog Series

Hydraulic crane (T and J)

4 entries

Part 2: Hydraulic cylinder

Last week I made two hydraulic cylinders. The cylinders should be able to hold the crane boom in position. Therefor I additional made a “clamping” ...

Part 3: Threaded shaft

Below pictures from the threaded shaft. Maybe, when you like it, I will make a blog about how it’s made. Thanks for watching.

Part 4: Threaded shaft explained

Yesterday I posted pictures (first two) from the threaded shaft. In this blog you can see how it’s made. Thanks for watching


6 entries

Part 4: Tyre

The wheels were split and again glued together. I love woodworking. First destroy and then reassemble. Below the process Thanks for watching

Part 5: Rims part 1

Today I started making the rims. See pictures below, Next time more. Thanks for watching

Part 6: Rims part 2

Below pictures of making the “circle” parts for the rims. Also pictures from how the nuts are made. Thanks for watching

logging trailer

Part 1: homemade logging trailer build

Im starting this blog for my trailer project. I decided to do a trailer build to save wear and tear on my truck box. Ive searched the internet for ...

Part 2: getting started

Part 1 was a general intro. Now i will talk a little bit about my progress so far. I started obviously by choosing a trailer. This being a low budg...

Part 3: tear down progress

So Got a chance to rip into today. Got metal floor off and keeping it off. Could only register this trailer for 9,999 lbs. The metal floor and the ...

Building Some Chevalets, a Class Action

Part 6: Slow Progress ..... but progress none the less

When I left off last time I said that the “furniture” was done. That wasn’t quite true and it took quite a while to finish the job. Because I will ...

Part 7: Saw Frames, Clamp Springs, and Height Adjustability

Just a bunch of photos from the last few days to bring the project up to date. When I left off I was about to make the saw frames and the clamp spr...

Part 8: More To It Than Just Pretty Chevalets

When I last posted in this blog, I had almost finished the chevys and was feeling about ready for the classes to begin. Well ……. that may have been...

$100 Favorite Technique Challenge

Part 1: Announcement

Marquetry, wood carving, scroll sawing or …? Your choice. Post a blog entry about your favorite technique for a chance to win $100. Include techniq...

Part 2: And the Winner Is ...

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Favorite Technique Challenge. You can see the entries here. And the winner of the random draw is: Cin...

carving space and homemade setup

Part 1: carving space intro

So ive been looking online to find a good set up for chainsaw carving area. Ive had no luck so im going to get creative and share anything i come u...

Part 2: homemade log carving equipment

Started the day making the upright log holder. The blocks move and straps hold the log against block so when im carving the log dont turn and tip. ...

For the Sailors and Boat Lovers

Part 1: Cowichan Bay Regatta from My Deck

(That is the front deck of the house not my boat.) Every year on BC Day weekend we are treated to a major sailing event that we can watch from our ...

WoodworkingWeb Awards - Backyard Bling

Part 1: Announcement

Theme: Backyard Bling Your backyard is your oasis, so why not create something special, this summer, to enhance it, to celebrate it, to give it a l...

Part 2: Cast Your Votes

Backyard Bling Awards entry period is over and we ended up with 11 entries. Now it’s time to pick your top 5 list and cast your votes. Voting deadl...

Part 3: And the Winners Are ...

Our 6th WoodworkingWeb awards are over and we ended up with 11 entries. I would like to thank you all who participated by submitting entries or vot...

Wooden Games

1 entry

Part 1: Get Me Out

I am starting a series about wooden games. Some made by me, some by others, some copied and other. These are for the young the old and the other. F...

Bring Your Buddy Challenge

Part 1: Announcement

We are ready to grow by leaps and bounds. And we need your help to spread the word. As a bonus, you can win $100 cash prize. Here are the simple ru...